29 August 2008


Ok this is for all of you who just can't wait to see what a hot pregnant chica I am :) Here are a bunch of pics from our vacation a couple of weeks ago. We had a WONDERFUL time in Idaho visiting my aunt Kim. We stayed in her cabin in Driggs, relaxed, went to Jackson Hole, toured around Yellowstone (and saw Bison during mating season!!!), hiked A LOT and saw some GORGEOUS scenery. We also spent a day in Rexburg where Cory went to school at BYU Idaho and he was absolutely giddy to show me all the places he used to hang out. It was the perfect chance to relax before school started (for both of us!! YAY for Cory and his new graduate program). All of the pics are from our trip when I was about 21 weeks except for the last one which I had cory take tonight before cory, aaron, and I went out to dinner at pei wei (yummy!! exciting Friday night for us!!) --so you have a totally updated 23 ish week picture--and I seriously may not look that big but I'm HUGE trust me :)


Sheila said...

OH YOU ARE SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!! I KNEW you would be a cute Preggo lady, I just KNEW IT!! You're adorable, not even fat at all, and NOT HUGE! Whatever, you always see yourself worse than others do, especially when you're pregnant I think. Anyways, for what it's worth, you're HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Shaun and Kelli said...

Pregnant what? You look awesome and barely even pregnant for being over 5 months. I look like a cow compared to you. You seriously look adorable! I really have no intention of putting pregnant pictures on my blog, I won't look near as cute as you. Haha! Any good names picked out for your baby boy??

Unknown said...

You guys are both silly but thank you!! I love you and miss you!!! and Kelli there is no way YOU look like a cow compared to me and if I can put preggo pictures up you can too!! LOVE YOU BOTH!!! and our two favorite names are Jackson and Jefferson since we have decided to have a theme of naming all of our kids after Presidents (last names)

Stephanie said...

You look adorable!

Heidi Miller said...

Yeah, you're right you don't look big at all. Just DANG CUTE! Amber, I am just so excited for you! BTW, Joseph will be in Pheonix nest Monday and Tues for a 2nd interview with a firm called Snell and Wilmer. WIsh him luck! Maybe we will be neighbors someday! :O)

betsey said...

SO ADORABLE!!! You are about the cutest pregnant lady EVER! I just love you loads! I didn't know that Corey was starting a grad program? I think that you need to blog about it! Congrats!

Angela said...

Yea! What we've all been waiting for. And you're so not huge... you're PREGNANT! Just remember that in the coming months!! =)
Good luck with school, for both of you!!

Summer said...

i was happy to find your blog too! and are you kidding me - look at those vacation pics, why would you want to be back east, sheesh. we've gotta pay mucho dinero to fly to those beautiful places you can just drive to AND you get more house for you $$ out there! good to see you're coming along nicely crockett :-)

betsey said...

Hey cute pregnant lady! When are you going to do a post about why we should vote for McCain/Palin? Not that you would ever change my mind, but I at least want to hear what you are thinking!