02 June 2009

It's started

The bar studying...and it's gonna be hard...really hard...I don't know why I even bothered to go to law school, I basically just have to learn it all over again. AND I CURSE my civ pro teacher from first semester for teaching me NOTHING because he is so hip and cool and anti establishment and hates rules!!!!

I'll see you in a couple of months...(yeah right I'm sure I'll blog again when I'm dealing with the kid and couldn't possibly concentrate enough to study).....


rachel said...

GO GO GO !! It's sounds freakin' scarey!!! Let us know if we can help!! I vote on a lot of eating out to boost morale:)

Heidi Miller said...

See you make motherhood seem super glamorous. :) I love you Amber and I LOVE LOVE LOVE living by you. Can we live by each other forever!?

Jen Perkins said...

You are going to do awesome...I can feel it! Let me know if you need a babysitter so you can have a study break. :)

Sheila said...

GOOOOOOOOOOOOD LUCK!! If you are reading this comment then that means you are NOT studying (so good job for taking a break!!) You are going to great honey, CURSE that lame "cool" teacher, he'll never know how much he cost you!!! ARGH!

AND HEIDI, I'm jealous of you two by eachother!

Unknown said...

Rachel-good advice! and whatever you are going through the same thing but with THREE kids..good luck to you! Heidi-we may just end up that way--LOVE having you here too!! Jen-ANYTIME you are available I'll drop him off and go to the library!! Sheila-you should be jealous! but hello you've had Kari nearby and you guys are RELATED :) ok..back to work...