12 October 2009

Well, since Heidi did it--can't ignore the "tag" forever

What are your middle names? Michelle and Linne'

How long have you been together? Married for 2 years, 3 months and 5 days

How long did you know each other before you started dating? A couple of weeks

Who asked who out? He asked me-but I knew it was coming

Whose siblings do you see the most? my brother--since he lives here

Do you have any children together? Harrison bug monkey face

What about pets? Aloishous bonaparte III our cat---got her right after we got married

Did you go to the same school? He went to BYU I and I went to the "real" BYU (just kidding honey, Idaho is totally the real thing...)

Who is the most sensitive? me for sure

Where do you eat out most as a couple? ummmmm...we both have a huge weakness for eating out--we tend to frequent the same lunch places --jimmy and joes or spicy pickle

Where is the furthest you have ever traveled as a couple? New York City while we were dating

Who has the worst temper? probably me--although it could be cory, I've never really seen him actually get mad

Who does the cooking? we both can make our own bowls of cereal :) ok, if someone cooks it's probably 70-30 me although we both enjoy cooking

Who is more social? I guess me, although I have more phobias about calling people I don't know

Who is the neat freak? definitely me

Who is the most stubborn? ummmmmm....I guess we both are in our own ways

Who hogs the bed? I guess I do--but we're pretty good about sharing

Who wakes up earlier? I do--except maybe on saturdays. I'll sleep in if I get the chance. Cory probably wouldn't sleep past 7:30 even if he had NOTHING to do that day

Where was your first date? Lots of places that have some kind of connection to the law--Cory took me out to celebrate my first week of law school

Who has the bigger family? Cory has 3, I have 2--hopefully we'll beat them both someday

Do you get flowers often? yes-cory is pretty good about it. But he's even better about breakfast in bed--I'm a lucky girl :)

Who eats more? I do--although I like to pretend otherwise...

Who sings better? I say cory, but he'd probably say me--I guess we're equal

Who does the laundry? Me and I'm so lucky :) occasionally he'll put some away and my skirts end up folded over the bar in the closet because my organization is too confusing

Who is better with the computer? DEFINITELY cory-he's a whiz at all things computer--he fixes everyones computers, he runs my updates for me, he tries to force me to use shortcuts...

Who drives when you are together? Cory-now that he can drive a stick :) And he puts up with A LOT of backseat driving...

Who picks where you go to dinner? This is how it goes-I say I don't care-Cory makes suggestions, I refute them and we end up going where I want to :)

Who is the first one to admit when they are wrong? Cory is definitely better at that

Who wears the pants in the relationship? Pretty sure that's me

Who eats more sweets? We both have a sweets weakness

Who cries more? Of course me--what kind of a man cries more than his wife? (sorry if you're husband does..)

What's your best day together? ummm...when Harrison was born--that was a pretty awesome day. Or just an average saturday running errands--when we don't have any other obligations

Where did you honeymoon? Crusie to mexico and california

Favorite date night? Babysitter, movie, dinner= BLISS!! I relish the movies now since we've gone like three times since the kid was born.

Favorite TV show to watch together? We have POLAR OPPOSITE taste in television. He likes educational stuff while I like mindless entertainment or cooking shows--we both like House, and Glee, that's pretty much it

Couple I imagine us growing old like? A cute one :) who holds hands. And the man wears a cabbie hat and patches on the elbows of his jacket (cory's dream come true)


rachel said...

Remember when we figured out that Amber wears the pants,When you guys were engaged! Don't worry cory I do to although it's Colby's job to deny it.

Heidi Miller said...

YAY!! I was cracking up at your answers Amber. :) I miss you!