Reading this article about how proposed healthcare legislation is going to be paid for by taxing the rich made me both happy and sad.
Happy because it quotes my former boss, Dave Camp, who now apparently is the top Republican on Ways and Means--yay for Dave Camp!
Sad because I find it just a little bit ridiculous that Democrats think all of the country's problems can be solved by piling more and more taxes on the rich. This healthcare bill apparently targets individuals making more than $500,000 a year and couples making more than a million. And it's not indexed for inflation. So, just like the AMT, when incomes go up but buying power doesn't, more and more people who are less and less rich will be hit by the tax. Awesome. And for a family of four making 5 million a year, they would be hit with over FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND in ADDITIONAL taxes (with the healthcare bill tax and other tax increases Obama is proposing). I know that five million dollars is a ridiculously absurd amount of money. But it just seems to go against everything I believe in about this country that one rich family should be forced to pay for the healthcare of (probably) hundreds of people. Why doesn't Obama just tell us how much we can make according to his idea of what is appropriate? That's pretty much what's happening.
I firmly believe that everyone should pay their fair share. Taxes are important and necessary (I really do believe this, I spent two months this summer researching just why taxes are not a bad thing in themselves). But the rich are already taxed. A lot. And don't feed me some story about how they dont' pay any taxes because unlike the masses they can afford sophisticated tax advisors who find loopholes for them. I don't buy that excuse. Taxing the rich wouldn't be such a go-to solution if it didn't work as a revenue raiser.
Where is the motivation to get educated, work hard, think creatively in your job, become better at ALL at work if the government is going to take the money away when they decide that you are too rich for your own good? Why can't we (as Mormons at least, or even as Christians) follow our church's commandment to give to the poor as much as we can. I want to give. And I want to experience the blessings to be found from serving and giving more and more, as much as my means allow. But I want to CHOOSE to give. This kind of stuff is what makes me conservative.
Sorry to rant. I love my liberal friends. I know many of their views derive from a sincere love for people less fortunate. But I'm sure they remember what it felt like to be in the minority. And sometimes ranting is just necessary.
Thanks for reading. And here is a cute picture of my baby. Have a nice day.
DITTO! Amber you ROCK!! And I love the cute picture of your little hunk a love! He is such a cutie!
we are all bundled up these days...and harrison monkey face is wearing a muscle romper?!?! arizona is looking pretty fine this time of year.
LOVED IT Amber...(I like how I get all my political insights and tidbits from favorite political person I know!) ...I totally agree with you and find it absolutely bazaar that someone could ever not agree.
Amber, I am totally hearing you. This is really starting to worry me. I feel the same thing about rich people or/ at the least the love of money = root of all evil. I think that the wealthy will be buying our votes next election after all this comes about:)Scary!!
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