25 December 2009


I'm sorry for non-mommies who read this but I need advice. It's time for Harrison to get a new carseat because he has outgrown his. He's over 20 pounds so when he turns 1 we were planning to go get a convertible seat and have him face forward. HOWEVER while reading carseat reviews on Amazon just now I stumbled on all kinds of articles and what not basically telling me that while the American Academy of Pediatrics technically maintains the 1 year 20 pound rule, it is MUCH safer (and that you're basically putting your child's life in danger in the name of keeping him happy if you follow the "outdated" rule that the AAP will soon be changing...) to keep your kid rear facing for absolutely as long as the carseat allows---at least up to age 2. They cite this article.


So the question is when I get a seat that allows rear facing up to 35 pounds do I rear face or forward face??? Safety is obviously most important but at the same time some of these internet people are just a little crazy. Besides. I've never actually met anyone with a 1 year old that does not do forward facing, so what gives?? Anyone have an opinion???

Thanks and Merry Christmas!!!!


rachel said...

Length of the child is also a factor. Our kids aren't big enough for quite a while but there feet are usually running into the seat behind them that's when we change. As far as carseats go Britax is the best I have heard from EMTs and other people that work around car accidents and that's what they put their kids in.They are spendy but sometimes you can find them on craigslist slightly used and have not been in an accident before. Good Luck!! It's a hard decision go with your gut, you're the mom!

Christina said...

Hi Amber, it's Heidi's sister-in-law... I'm only chiming in because we took our prenatal class this past July and that was when the info about staying rear-facing until age 2 had just come out and our instructor talked to us about it, so yes, it is real and not just some crazy internet phenomenon. I don't know if I'm going to do it or not, but I'm definitely considering it, at least until our baby is more than 30 pounds since that is the weight limit for the infant seat that we have.

Shaun and Kelli said...

I agree with Rachel about their feet. Michael is forward facing and he does just fine. His legs were completely cramped when he was rear-facing. As a parent you want the best for your child, but I don't think you have to really be too paranoid either. If you want, just invest in a really good, well-rated car seat and rear-face him to about 25 lbs. It's completely up to you and what you feel safe doing. I also think they make stricter rules like this for parents who don't know how to properly secure their child in a car seat or how to install it correctly. My friend is a fireman and he checked my car seats to make sure they were tight enough. Also, just make sure he is "securely" fastened and the harness is in the right spot. They shouldn't be able to move too much. He'll be fine!

ajehz and m said...

we bought a sunshine kids carseat (very pricey, but FAA approved and highly rated for safety). it is a forward or rear facing convertible up to 80 lbs. i have never faced it backwards, so i am not sure how the feet would work out. maybe consider the presence of air bags in and safety rating of your vehicle. good luck and you are an amazing mom!

Sheila said...

Hey Amber! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I have to say, YAY for forward facing!! I look forward to when my kids can face forward and although I read what you read about keeping them rear facing as long as possible, forward facing is soo much better (in my opinion). It's like a whole new world to them facing forward in the car and it's great. Plus, their legs aren't all scrunched up against the seat! HOWEVER, I do think that you should probably just do what's best for your little monkey. If his neck is not very strong, you might want to keep him rear facing till he gets a little stronger. If he's already strong, I say turn him around....but what do I know??? I'm sure there's a reason they say that stuff, but I just think sometimes they are a little over-the-top, you know?? OH AND, I have to say just one more thing. IF you decide to keep him rear facing DO NOT keep him in that infant seat! The big seats are WAY safer in my opinion with the side crash head supporter things that infant seats don't have. We have a Cosco 3 in 1 convertable that Justin is STILL in and have loved it. I've seen them at Big Lots for around $89. Jordan is in a Brittax and we love it. Both seem safe, but I've read really good things about safety with the Brittax.

Unknown said...

THANKS GUYS!! I knew you probably all had dealt with this issue before and had opinions :) Don't worry Sheila, we won't keep him in the infant seat much longer. I didn't want to pay the extra money for the britax but with everything I've read and heard I probably will. And we'll see how he fits in it forward before we decide whether to forward or rear face. He's not that tall so he'd probably be ok rear facing for a little while longer (without his feet getting smushed or whatever). I guess it's just a matter of doing what you feel like the right thing is for your kid, right? It's nice to hear everyone's thoughts though :)