24 June 2010

Saved the Day

For some reason life is ten times harder when Harrison refuses to take an afternoon nap. Such was the case today. By 530 when Cory got home I was just about at the end of my rope running around chasing the whiney, tired, adorable, starving ridiculous, wonderful, accident-prone, crazy, fabulous boy. Plus I was stressed about how to get done all of the things I hadn't done during naptime and still get to bed at a reasonable hour and be ready to go to work tomorrow.

Then my awesome husband agreed to watch monkey face AND put him to bed so I could work out and take a shower.

And then I made this salad (with other, non-life-changing, stuff) for dinner... BLISS....ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD!!!!

so simple and so yummy --I got the idea from an olive oil commercial.

Baby Arugula
Feta Cheese
Sliced Green Onions

Mix ingredients and dress lightly with olive oil and salt and pepper. THAT'S IT. YUM YUM. My new fave!


Sheila said...

What a guy!! Love when they can come in and save the day!!!

MMMM Feta + salad + almonds...sure fire winner! I like to add craisins too!

rachel said...

No wonder you married him;) I am so glad you had a productive night and that Harrison got a dad date. My kids love stories by dad at bedtime and I love scripture time by myself! Kimball is also trying to ditch the nap on some days. NOOOOO! I don't think I am ready.

Todd and Emily said...

Yea for tiny handprints! I totally agree - these moments are so fleeting eat it up! Okay, its so fun to read your blog - I really need to do it more. You guys NEED to do a midwest tour! Come before summer ends - it is so gorgeous here right now! How is work? PT? Do you like it?