06 December 2010


We just got off of two really fun (as far as road trips with a small child go) holiday weekend trips. First, we went to visit our friends Todd and Emily and Jonas and Carmen in the Detroit area for Thanksgiving. Todd and Cory are BFFs from their days at the BYU-I/Rick's College and we haven't seen them for far too long and it was great to catch up! It was COLD, but we had a great time eating an AMAZING dinner (with 4 pies plus awesome pecan bars and pumpkin woopie pies made by yours truly...yeah...for four adults and three kids under three.. :) YUM), watching the kiddos play awesome together, visiting the Ford Motor Company museum and "village" (not many people braved the cold to go into the old shops and buildings...good way to beat the crowd!!), and going out on a DATE to eat yummy italian food and see Harry Potter. Oh yeah, and we went to a diner and ate chili dogs. YAY FOOD!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! (I could say a bunch about gratitude here and what not but it's almost 11 and I have to get up at 5...so please just keep and mind that the Brown family is very blessed and grateful this year!!!)

Slim pickings in the weekend pics, but I think I covered the most important stuff:

A huge train set made out of legos!!
Blurry photo of Harrison and Jonas in the tub--the BEST part of every day! Nothing better than two little boys in the tub dumping water on each other and cracking up!!

OH WAIT!! There is something better!!! jumping up in down in your sister's bed after mommy told you not to!!!

(as a postscript to this post, Emily, you can see why I need your pictures, right??)

(also...let's save the new holiday and last week's trip for another day...before I start writing incoherent sentences that I'll regret in the morning)


rachel said...

That looks like fun! Those little boys look so grown up! So Cute!

Sheila said...

LOL, I LOVE LOVE LOVE you Amber!! That food all sounds divine...mmmm, I'm SO HUNGRY ALL THE TIME!!! Wishing I was living by you so you could make me some pumpkin whoopies or whatever you called them, SOUND GOOOOD!! So glad you had a fun vacay, LOVE YOU!