12 January 2012

Fun Saturday

A few weeks ago we took advantage of great weather and went down to the national mall so Harrison could ride the carousel. It seems we always go down there for a museum, see the carousel, promise he can ride it "later," and then run out of time. It was time to give the kid a break :) After, we had some extra time so we hit up the Hirshorn modern art museum and shake shack (my first time-YUM YUM).

Harrison saw the dragon and had to have it.

I was trying to get the flag in this picture--you can barely see it. Way cooler in person.

Bunnies in the sculpture garden!

Perfect day!!! Harrison is checking out his cool shadow.

1 comment:

ajehz and m said...

my favorite art museum!!!! what a beautiful day. high fives on the carousel! not easy to remember and deliver on all the "later" promises. you guys are beautiful and i miss you.