16 June 2012

Summer means....

 Fat babies in swimsuits
 Picnics at Gravelly Point
 There's one!
 I got a stick!
 Mommy throwing caution to the wind on the whole hair and makeup thing

 Carter tries out grass
 zonked out kids on the way home. Notice Harrison's superman comic companion he insisted on at the library

 Going for walks. I guess daddy doesn't like walks.

 Being silly
 Supporting Harrison at swimming lessons
 Birthday parties that involve...PINATAS!!!!
 Where's my candy?
 Pirate treasure hunt at the nature center
 Looking for tadpoles
 Sibling love
 The neighborhood pool is open!!! Swimming after a ball
 And it moved again!
 More family walks--and we found this by our house-FUN!

1 comment:

Heidi Miller said...

Carter looks sooooo much like Harrison! I love your kids and their chubby chubby chubby chubby cheeks!