17 August 2012

To remember....

My friend Jen posted a blog about little things to remember and it made me want to do the same. My kids are so freaking cute these days it's ridiculous. 3s with Harrison has been harder than 2s for sure but now that we're past binkies and potty trained things have been great. Plus I feel like he is actually listening and following directions lately! Like I hear "ok mommy" in response to something he doesn't want to do more than I hear "NO." So, I hope I always remember:

Last night Harrison spent about 15 minutes "coaching" carter to get up the stairs by herself (she went about halfway and then was exhausted). It was constant "Come on Carter! You can do it!! Good job Carter!" 

Cory and I have been talking politics a lot. Harrison always wants to know what we're talking about.  We try to explain pretty simply that we're talking about the presidential election and that Barak Obama is president but Mitt Romney wants to be president so everyone is giong to vote for who they like better.  He told our nanny the other day that "Barak Obama and Mitt Romney are missionaries..." later when she asked him who the president was he said.." Barak Obama..my mom doesn't like him!" hahahahaaa

We are for sure in the "why?" stage--we here "why?" EIGHT MILLION TIMES A DAY! It's exhausting and awesome at the same time. 

Harrison's favorite books are bernstein bears that we have leftover from when I was a kid. Seriously, he's 3. Too funny.  Runner up is Dr. Seus. 

Playtime with Carter in her high chair.  I try to get her to clap and she shakes her head back and forth (beacuse I think I do that while I'm clapping). 

One of Harrison's new favorite things to do is go "play raquetball" at the courts at a park by our house.  I need to post a picture of him with his "raquetball" bag all ready to go. It's the cutest thing ever. 

Pretty much every day Harrison asks me what day it is because: A) he wants to know if we can go to the pool, since the pool is closed on Mondays or B) he wants to know if we can go to a restaurant since this is something we do on Saturdays. 

Harrison's been making up songs lately. A lot.  He loves to sing to Carter if she's sad. 

Harrison's favorite game to play with his sister involves him pushing her walker and tripping and falling over. And then she laughs at him. Over and over. 

Carter is the fastest little army crawler ever. And she is pulling herself up on everything. 

One of Harrison's favorige nighttime songs for us to sing to him is Come Thou Fount...I'm not sure where he heard it (probably from Cory?). When I sing it I mess up the verses BIG TIME. Sorry Alissa :)

For a few months Harrison has been able to strap himself into his carseat. THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER!

All I can think of for now--Happy Friday!!!


Jen Perkins said...

Very cute! I love how your kids play together...that has to be awesome. And I'd love for Elder Obama and Elder Romney to show up at my door! :)

rachel said...

Buckling the car seat is a little piece of heaven around here. I love that! It's so cool to read about their favorite things and play time. It's so crazy how fast they grow! I already miss Grant being in the baby stage. He is definitely in the 2 stage a little early, older brothers don't help on trying to get them to stay little.