30 October 2012

Hurricane Time!!

We've been home from work the last two days due to Hurricane Sandy sweeping the east coast. Despite lots of anticipation and stress by me until I had the requisite 4 cases of water and enough food to get us through a week without power, we lost power for only a few hours last night as the worst of the storm hit our area. Lots of rain and wind, but not too much damage out here. Pretty lucky.  It was fun (and maybe a little stressful...) to have family time for a really LONG weekend.  Monday we were pretty cooped up but today we were able to get out a little which was nice.  Plus I got a lot of cleaning and a project done. And made a pie. YAY!!!

 Harrison and I got all bundled up and went for a walk in the CRAZY weather
 Finished some pictures for the dining room that I've been working on FOREVER
Apple pie with the apples we picked a couple of weeks ago. Looks wonky due to my lack of real pie plate :)


Melinda said...

Looks delicious. Carter seems to be thinking, these guys are crazy to be going out in this weather!

Sheila said...

you are the cutest mom amber and tjat pie looks delicious!!!!!!!!