22 October 2012


Cory and I have been told many times by keen observers that Harrison has some innate athletic ability. He can throw, run, jump, swing a bat, kick, throw a frisbee surprisingly well. At least for a three year old.  We think this is great but wonder where he got it from because neither of us is particularly athletic (you know, at all...).  We encourage it while we can (until he figures out mommy and daddy are less coordinated than he is and we lose all credibility when it comes to sports..in a year or two..or perhaps six months). Right now we're finishing up our second session of 3 year old soccer. There is not much cuter than a bunch of three year olds playing soccer. The first one was inside at the local rec center and was a good introduction to basic concepts.  Now he's doing a larger outdoor "clinic" that involves drills and short little games at the end.  I think Harrison has a lot of fun. And I'm not gonna lie. The non-athlete in me is secretly proud when he scores at least one goal every week.


Jen Perkins said...

So fun! I was just saying the other day that I can't wait for Owen to be old enough to play soccer. And when you mentioned your lack of athletic ability I had flashbacks of you throwing the discus in track back in high school. :) You beat me in our half marathon, though, so you're totally athletic!

Unknown said...

oh man. I was really good at that :)