This weekend we celebrated year three of the best holiday ever situated between thanksgiving and Christmas. DC folks trekked it out to shalise and frank's house in Ohio. Year 3 and I think the first time all six of us (plus Taci :)) we're there with our spouses and 9.5 children. We trickled in Friday night, Saturday we took the kids to Home Depot for a little crafty activity and then to a nearby skate park so they could climb big ropes and run up and down hills. Later we went to downtown westerville,oh to meet santa and do other fun christmasy activities like decorate cookies, write letters to Santa, and watch a plastic chicken Lay eggs (of course!). Saturday night after filling our kids up with sugar ( yummy gelato at the cutest shop ever) and letting them watch Brave we had the traditional fancy pants dinner sans kids. I contributed the plates since I recently scored a beautiful 24 place setting set of holiday dishes (for free from someone in my ward who was moving :))..after that we had a white elephant gift exchange. I vowed to not forget any gifts this year but forgot that Cory required a gift as well--- luckily both of our kids started screaming during the exchange so we saved some embarrassment -- phew!!! This morning we exchanged stocking suffers and I was as impressed as always at the creative skills of some of my favorite friends ever. Everytime we all get together I laugh more then I've laughed all year. For real. Thanks ladies for being amazing and inspiring me to be a better wife/mother/cook/maker of things/dresser/decorator/vixen/gardener/recycler etc. etc. I can't believe it was EIGHT years ago when we lived together on Crothers lane. I love us still!!! (and if you are wondering about the strange order of the pictures for some reason this happens when I blog from my phone)
climbing up the big ropes. Harrison made it all the way to the top. |
waiting for santa |
Taci, alissa, me, april, erin, shalise, and marci. LOVE YOU GUYS!!! |
running around a big christmas tree |
This cute Santa gave us a personal visit with lots of pictures. Harrison FREAKED out at first but came around |
playing with window stickers together |
drew tells the kiddos a story about the origins of Thanksgivmas and stockings |
SANTA!!!!! |
Look!!! I see Santa!!! |
This was on the way home. Note Carter is wearing Harrison's shirt and a diaper since she peed through her clothes... |
Harrison and Alesa checking out some sticks |
Hey guys-let's buy some amish made chairs |
Carter and Van are bonding |
Thanks for the photos-I did not take even one all weekend!! Great weekend-thanks again for making the trek and being the first to arrive!! The salad is long gone but still enjoying your red pepper dip!! AND what ap do you use to blog from your phone?
And I love you!
it's a blogger ap. It's pretty easy to use but it puts the pics in in random order without captions however it gets it done and is easy to go back later and fix :) Love you too!!!
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