14 January 2013

Since it's practically February

And Carter has basically turned 2, harrison is 4, etc. I better just get these AZ trip pictures out of the way......

 Carter with her favorite uncle wearing a dress I wore when I was a baby.
 Cory and Uncle Aaron (in practically matching cabbie hats) putting together Harrison's lego train set and grandma and grandpa's house.
 me and my bro.

 Random shot of my attempt to get the kids to stay in one seat belt on the plane. They liked it for a minute!
 Amber and Cory on Christmas day. Tired worn out parents. But happy.
 Sideways shot of my mom and Carter on a little hike we all went on. The kids did surprisingly well and the desert scenery is great.
 Harrison visiting the cematery where my dad is buried.
 We went to visit my old friend/roommate Heidi's house where Harrison was happy to boss Rebekah around and jump on their new trampoline (best christmas present ever Heidi!). Here are five of our six kids (baby benjamin was sleeping).  Carter, Harrison, Alex, Kaitlyn, and Rebekah. Who would have thought those 10 + (EEK!!! really??) years ago when we were at BYU?

Carter at the airport. Never stopping (blurry really captures her personality well :)) All set to go home. PS Phx airport with LGO and chelsea's kitchen and other such yummy places beats out Dulles and BWI any day.

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