06 February 2013

Harrison is FOUR!!!!

Harrison turned four on January 8th. To celebrate we went to his favorite restaurant on his actual birthday (red robin, of course) and then had a party with some friends the following Saturday. It was racecar themed and I went way too overboard for a four year old with favor bags, party "mix", signs, a banner, a race car track cake,lunch that included sliders and cars made out of fruit, planned games no one really wanted to play, etc. I got a etsy-print-your-own-birthday-party kit and went to town. I had fun getting in touch with my inner perfectionist crafter (you know, the one I so rarely see these days). Harrison had a blast too :) Happy Birthday to my sweet boy! I can't believe he's four. To celebrate (since 48 things is way too much for me to think of with a wiggly carter on my lap here are the top ten reasons we love Harrison:

#10 His sweet side. He will hug anyone. He is tough but sensitive.  And he notices if I paint my nails or get a haircut.  His preschool teacher always tells me when he is having a problem with someone she can get him to change his behavior by appealing to his caring side. And he loves babies.

#9 He's a great big brother. We're now at the point where Harrison "helps" carter by explaining why she can't have her way. It's amazing how much he sounds like his parents. He loves to get her up from her nap, to chase her, to play with toys together, and to introduce people to his sister.

#8 He is now in primary (FINALLY!! After being the oldest nursery kid for a year) and is LOVING it. He gets to go to sharing time/singing time with daddy and totally participates and sings with the best of em. Last week he asked the missionaries where in northern virginia they served there mission and brought a pass along card home to share with his friends! Sometimes when he is alone and "scared" because I'm upstairs putting carter down for a nap he'll get out the book of mormon and "read" it so he's not scared. Or say a prayer, or think about Jesus.

#7 He's still cooler than us. We are shy, awkward, non-involved types most of the time. It's true.  And everybody LOVES and gravitates towards Harrison.  At school I constantly get other parents telling me how their child is always talking about Harrison or singing songs about Harrison or can't wait to see Harrison. Yesterday we went back to the playground after a long cold absence (it hit 50 degrees so getting out of the house in the evening was necessary) and Harrison's group of 8-10 year old buddies were SO excited to see him. He's a social kid to say the least. Thanks for upping our popularity points dude.

#6 Totally smart. He can totally write letters and knows alphabet sounds.  His counting is still a struggle (well he gets there, it's just 17 is always "eleven teen"...whatevs...). He is super observant and remembers everything. Nothing like a kid correcting song lyrics when you sing him to sleep.

#5 He can run faster than me and probably beat me at most sports.

#4 He can also legit (almost) beat me at memory and likes to play monopoly with Cory.

#3 He calls "hamburger" Han-ga-ber...yes I think speech impediments are cute at this age :)

#2 He's old enough that I can MOSTLY rationalize with him. YES! And then he turns around and tells me I don't make any sense....

#1 He is the perfect little boy for this crazy, overworked, stressed out mommy. He pushes my buttons and then makes me melt. We love him more than words can say.

 hmmm...what should I order???
 Birthday sundae!!
 Harrison, Daniel, and Jonah show off their transformers
 Having some yummy lunch
 Cake time!!!

 Present opening is way more fun when your friends help!!!
 He got some awesome presents.  We're lucky to have some great friends who came to celebrate with us.

Harrison and Alesa say goodbye --their family had literally just gotten back from a LONG cross country road trip the night before and drove an hour to come to the party. WE LOVE YOU!!!


Melinda said...

The party was adorable. Happy Birthday Harrison! You are the coolest little four year old I know.

Unknown said...

Thanks! We're so glad you guys could come!