I went in to be induced at 39 werks yesterday because my doctor said he would and since I have a history of big babies, dilating a lot on my own, and being gbs positive I thought it would be a good idea. And carter induced in like 4 hrs so I figured it wouldn't take long...
We got to the hospital at 7:15 and they started pitocin at around 8:30.... At my 38 week appt the baby was super high and I was only 2 cm so I was hopeful that I'd be at least three ... Nope... And after like 6 hrs of pitocin I was still at like 2. I had pretty steady uncomfortable contractions but didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Plus, my monitors weren't working so they couldn't tell how strong or often they were. I got the pitocin up to the highest dose but still wasn't quite progressed enough to break my water or get an epidural. ( they said I could have it but I wanted to at least be 3-5 cm)..
So it was a lot of watching food network , not eating, and being in an annoying but not technically unbearable amount of pain. I tried the exercise ball and walking a little which was more painful but didn't really help. By around 5 pm I started to hurt a lot and wanted the drugs so I asked the nurse to check again. Well the check was really painful and I freaked out and started crying. Tired , starving , frustrated , emotional.. Definitely scared the poor nurse ....She suggested I get the epidural but couldn't finish checking me... I was worried I would slow things down but didn't care anymore :) so I got the drugs, was awesome and numb to get properly checked by my OB within like 30 minand surprise!!!! I was at 7!!!!!!! Pretty soon after that the magic epidural button wasn't working and I was feeling contractions again--- I wanted them to up my dose but since I was ready to go we decided to have a baby instead. After about 5 min and 2 (maybe 3) pushes he was out!! The pushing part was ridiculously easy considering if been at 2 cm all day long :) so- there's that. Longer than expected but not really too bad at all. He is the same weight as Harrison but taller with more hair and I think his face is more like Carter's. We love you already little one and can't wait
for you to make our crazy life even crazier!!!!!
Let's do this!!!
There he is!!