29 December 2014

Arizona fun!!!

We are in the last hour of a 12 hour car ride heading home from Christmas in Arizona. ( the drive has included a bit too much whining but for 24 hours in the car with no iPad it wasn't bad...). We had a great trip! Highlights included: 

Girls brunch, train park, and dinner out with great friends. 

Kids getting spoiled by Santa, uncle Aaron, and grandma and grandpa- Harrison's favorite gift was uncle Aaron's old wii- they had lots of fun playing on Christmas Day 

A great Christmas Day hike with the family ( including my mom and Larry's bird skipper) 

Lots of hugs and fun with grandma and grandpa and uncle Aaron . Family is the best ! 

Lots and lots of trips to quick trip for the best diet coke around :) 

An amazing hotel 'room' provided by my generous mother. ( the big kids had their own room and loved it ) 

Beautiful weather and sunshine!! 

A successful trip to last chance for mommy-- two pairs of shoes for carter , one for me, and one for Cory 

A visit to the cemetary to see where my dad is buried. I miss him but love chances to talk about him to the kids. 

We miss you already az !!! 

Playground at the hotel

Look! A cactus with no stickers!!! 

At the old ranch house at the end of our hike 

Silly at the train park 

So. Many. Kids!!! 
We love you grandpa!!! 

No trip to the cemetary is complete without a pike of grass...and some brother /sister wrestling ??? 

So loving 

Dinner with the fillers . We ate as much real Mexican food as possible. 

Gabe was a bit obsessed with Jefferson . I think that means Lisa needs another baby ?? 

Leaving the desert . Yeah . It may not look like much but those wide open spaces and blue skies blow my mind . 

21 December 2014

Getting Christmassy

I've been a slacker on this blog. Cory's promised to make me a new blog which I've been waiting patiently on :) plus I started a little part-time at home job..and once December hit there was just SO MUCH to do ! We've accomplished most of what was on my Christmas fun list.  i love the magic of celebrating this time of year: we made and delivered neighbor gifts, made ornaments, went to zoo lights, drove through the lights at thanksgiving point, got a tree at petersons farm, decorated, read Christmas books ( yesterday Harrison read tom and Jerry's Christmas to us with very little help--it's amazing to watch how his reading has improved since starting kindergarten.. It's been so fun to watch!), shopping, advent calendars, looking for elves at Gardner village, more candy then I can handle :) I even took a quick trip out to Pittsburgh last weekend with Jefferson and brought back an elf on the shelf we named redee (I've already forgotten to move him.... Twice... But the kids are loving it anyway).  After one more batch of cookies for primary teachers and one last day of school we head down to az Tuesday to spend Christmas with my family. So excited!!!  (And so need to pack. Eeeeek !!! )

Thanksgiving visit to antelope island 
Thanksgiving weekend at this is the place 
Crazy. As usual . 
Ready to visit Santa at the zoo 
2 out of 3 brown kids love Santa Claus 
Carousel ride at the zoo 
Bundled carter 
Cory's traditional birthday cookie 
Carter taking a scooter ride around the tree. 
Packed bag for the p'burg trip. Essentials. 
Little j man catching up on us weekly at the airport. He was an angel on his second cross country flight. 


Elf hunting for a free piece of local salt water taffy 
Just so you know. I made the naughty list ..... 
Jefferson hits NINE months... What the????

28 October 2014

I can't believe she's three!!!

My baby girl turned three on Sunday!!!  We partied it up all weekend and are still in recovery mode.

On Friday we went to Thanksgiving Point with friends, to Cory's work to trick or treat, and to our ward Fall Festival (in costume :)). Saturday, in lieu of a friends party (I don't think she is quite ready for one) we let Carter pick some fun things to do together. With her big brother's help she chose to go to Cornbellys (a really fun fall festival here--even beating out Cox Farms in VA I think) and then to Boondocks to ride bumper boats and play some video games.  It was a long fun tiring day (on the way home in the car, Cory and I couldn't help but laugh as all three kids were screaming about something ridiculous...they were so tired!) On Sunday the party continued and we had Emmaline and Hazel and O'ma and O'Pa over for dinner and birthday cake.

In celebration of my little princess here are ten great things about Carter at three years old I want to remember.

1. She is a GIRL. She loves pink,  hello kitty, and playing with her toy kitchen. She also mixes it up though and loves to play with mud, rocks, and dirt. I could give her a soup spoon and spatula and let her loose in the backyard for an hour no problem.

2. She is super independent. She has been putting on/taking off her clothes and shoes for about her year. She wants to go in public restrooms by herself because she's a big girl.  Right now she is just fine scootering in front our our house on her own as I listen through the open front door.

3. Such an imagination. It's hard to say what her favorite toy is because she mostly loves to play pretend. School, campout, party, etc. etc.  While she wants me to be involved in her story, she can also keep it up on her own and I often find her quietly holding a conversation with herself about her current scenario.

4. She is shy around strangers but will talk your ear off if she knows her. We're in that awkward phase of wanting friends but not being super comfortable around lots of other kids. The kids she knows and loves she is thrilled to play with but new friends take a bit of time. We are constantly impressed with her vocabulary and understanding. Seriously, what barely three year old talks about how people are going to be really "impressed" with whatever...even if she doesn't totally understand. She pulls it off.

5. She has attitude. If she doesn't want to do something she says no and punishments and positive reinforcement doesn't really work with her. Sweet as can be if she wants to, but hand on hip I'm gonna have it my way if that's the mood she's in. We're hoping age three will be easier than two (fingers crossed!!!)

6. She loves to color (she learned to write an H and will tell anyone and show them), cut up paper, play with tape all over the floor, do playdough, draw on the chalk wall, and paint.

7. Her favorite TV show right now is "no noggin" or the curious george halloween movie. Before that it was the Croods. She tends to pick something and stick with it FOREVER.

8. She loves to dance like a crazy person--we're doing a tumbling class in December and starting soccer for her in November. Dance is pretty hard core out here so we may try that next if she takes to the other stuff.  Officially in the "i can take classes" phase so we'll see how it goes.

9. She is a super picky eater. She will be happy to tell you the ten foods she will eat. Milk, mac and cheese, bread, cheese, strawberries, plain noodles, meatballs, sweets, muffins, the occasional apple slice...honestly that's about it. It drives us crazy. And milk must be heat up in the microwave and in a sippy cup. Here's hoping she breaks that habit by age 10.

10. And then there is her 'nuggly blanket' man she is obsessed with that thing. We harbor deep regret if we forget it going anywhere. it is smelly, dingy, and has holes in it, but nothing else compares.

Happy Birthday sweet Carter Loa!!!!! You are the perfect crazy dose of spunk for our family!!! If we never have another girl I'm sure you will be more than enough female for all of us!

21 October 2014


Harrison just finished four weeks of coach pitch baseball. He loved it! He hit the ball nearly everytime and did really well on first base. (Which was usually his position).  The kids were pretty much all over the place ( except for one kid who is clearly ready for the majors) and it was super fun to watch. Go reds!!!! 

22 September 2014

graduated!! and then he went to kindergarten!!!

Ok this post is a bit disjointed but so be it.  Harrison graduated from preschool in June. They had a cute ceremony at his school followed by cake and then we had lunch with Cory at PF Changs. I got the best fortune ever...something about people around me being more cooperative than usual. It was a day a I definitely needed to hear that. And then, two months later, in early August he started kindergarten. I think the thing I was most bummed about when we moved to Utah was the prospect of sending Harrison to half day kindergarten since that is all they have here. Harrison LOVES school and does so well with routine that it seemed such a shame to have him actually spend less time in school than last year. A month or so in, I have to say though, that while I think he would have been great in full day kindergarten, I'm ok with it only being half a day. It's definitely more of a change than I expected and is a lot more work than preschool which has been a bit tiring. It's nice to have the afternoon free to play with friends, go to the park, play at home, and have lots of time to get his homework (which is really only reading 20 minutes and maybe a handwriting worksheet) done.  It's good preparation for first grade next year. Here's my cute big kid!!!!

10 September 2014

Five things I love about Harrison

My firstborn can be a bit challenging at times. Sometimes I need to remind myself of some of the reasons he's AMAZING ( because he really is) 

1. Big hugs every morning when he wakes up, and at night, and pretty much all day long. 
2. He tells me he loves me to Pluto, to planets that haven't been discovered yet, and to deep space....and back. 
3. Now that he's in kindergarten we have to read 20 minutes every day, do a health/fitness goal everyday, and practice math everyday. He also sometimes brings home handwriting worksheets. This stuff is technically optional but he loves to do it. He's such a rule follower in the best way. 
4. He thinks 'stupid ' is the epitome of bad words and freaks out if it slips out. Let's hang on to that innocence, k bud? 
5. Even though he's gotten a bit more shy as he's gotten older he can still make friends anywhere and with anyone. 

Love you monkey pants!!!!

08 September 2014

bummer with a silver lining

So I got this nice camera for Christmas and took a couple of really cute pictures of Jefferson with it on the day he was blessed (let me tell you about that day...Cory promised he scheduled it, but somehow someone forgot to tell the bishopric and it didn't happen at church. I was a bit stressed out about that, but we had our nice first counselor come over after so we could do the blessing at home and it was even better...CRISIS AVERTED).  Anyway, like any good mother who is far too aware of blank spaces on her walls, I decided we needed some new canvas prints so I went to order some online yesterday and was chagrined to find that my camera's default setting saved the pictures in super low resolution that is not appropriate to print in ANYTHING LARGER THAN FOUR BY SIX. For. Serious. WHY CANNON, WHY?????

That problem has been fixed. However, the damage is done and this blog or other places on the internets is the only place these beauties can be enjoyed. Oh well.  He's still the cutest baby ever, IMHO.

 Ok this one was taken around easter. My little bunny.
 OH my heavens that one needs to be huge and ON MY WALL (sad face)
Jefferson's inner monologue: "Excuse me, I'm about to fall off this lap, could someone help me out please, and get me some milk, and my fingers to chew on while you're at it--SCHPANKS!!!!"

24 July 2014


When you're a parent you need to appreciate breaks from the kids when you get them. Sometimes I find myself wishing way too hard for some time away from the kids. I want to sit, by myself, with no one needing anything and nothing that needs to be done ( not because I'm neglecting it but because it actually doesn't need to be done) for some indeterminate long stretch of time. 

Then I wake up with three kids, a house,and a never ending to do list and I get annoyed and resentful when there is no break in sight. Ever. Since Jefferson was born four months ago we've had a total of about three hours without any kids. If our only time to relax was once every four months I think I would die. But, thankfully, there are lots of little breaks along the way. It's so important to recognize them. Last week I went to the grocery store sans kids. Afterward I got a diet coke at mcdonalds and 'had' to sit through a fifteen minute drive thru line. Bliss. Two days ago I went to the store again with just the baby. Yippeeee!! Right now I'm sitting in the car with three quiet kidlings in the back. Amazing. And then when Harrison is at school and little j takes a nap and carter is outside putting rocks and leaves into every bowl we own. So much better than a spa weekend, right?? 

23 July 2014

Mom tip for the day- big rocks first

Rather than blogging cute baby pictures or talking about things we are doing i'd rather get some of these thoughts out of my head . So here's a tip for moms, myself, and carter someday when she has kids (and for the boys too). 

I think some people are awesome stay at home moms who are super amazing at playing with their kids. That's not me . I am a much better housekeeper. Frankly, I should pay someone to watch them and start a housecleaning business because it would be a more effective use of my skills :) ok not really... Lately when it comes to trying to keep the house in a decent state with three kids around I've realized that the lesson from young women's is still true. Do the most important thing first!!! If I have dirty dishes and a dirty floor but I want to get the bathroom cleaned I need to clean that bathroom first thing or it won't happen. Same thing with trying to get stains out of the couch, dusting baseboards, vacuuming, or anything else I don't do a million times a day. There will always be more dishes and more crumbs on the floor. I take a lot of satisfaction in clean walls or cabinets or an organized closet amidst the other chaos. So stop sweeping, amber, and go organize the pantry. You know you're going to sweep five more times today anyway :) 

17 July 2014

Carter isms

Carter is simultaneously so adorable I could melt and so frustrating I could scream..when she is in a good mood (and not screaming because I pushed the button to close the garage..for example.. Not that she's doing that right now..) she has the cutest personality and we are constantly amused by the things that come out of her mouth. Before I forget them here are some of our favorites: 

Scoopy me in (scoot me in)
Poc ci cle (Popsicle)
Can you do me a favorite? (Can you do me a favor?)
Open in it (open it)
Copping chart (shopping cart)
Bwing Bwing (her blanket)
All wight (all right)
Ott (off) 
Docker (doctor) 
Cubbers ( covers) 
Cue me (excuse me)
Natos (tomatoes)
Boon (spoon) 
Lossit (lots of it)
Wong ( long) 
Nuggly blanket (snugly blanket)
Water pop ( otter pop) 
Jeppers (Jefferson) 

07 June 2014

Saturday hikes

I feel like I never post anymore. Life with three is crazy. Little j is growing well and doing a bit better. More smiles less screaming. He is on nutramigen ($$$ formula that to Cory thinks smells like cattle feed) and Prevacid. And did I mention I got called to the primary presidency? It's wonderful and I love the kids and the ladies I work with but it's lots of meetings and lots of work. 

Anyway- we've been trying to get out for a hike Saturday mornings since there are great places to go up here and the weather has been nice. Aside from the fact that I keep picking places up the canyon still covered in snow ( in June?? What up Utah???) it's been super fun. 

Battlecreek falls (pleasant grove) 

Big cottonwood canyon

Granite trail to belle reservoir