24 April 2014

Easter Egg-stravaganza!!!

We went to this fun easter egg hunt/event at Thanksgiving Point last saturday. Harrison had been looking forward to it for weeks. We got there right after the easter egg hunt started but luckily they had them every half hour so both of the kids got a pretty good haul of eggs. Plus bouncy houses and egg sack races and ring toss and lots of other fun stuff. We were lucky to have Aunt Lindsay and uncle Thanh with us during their visit from Vietnam. It's been so fun to have family come visit (first my mom, then my brother, then Lindsay and Thanh)...plus Thanh snagged my camera and took LOTS of great pictures :)

 All ready for the egg hunt
 Ready for a NAP
 trying to convince carter to put eggs in her basket. Yes my hair looks like it hasn't been combed in weeks....

 Harrison didn't need help :)

 Inspecting the loot


 none of us could really hula hoop...I swear I could as a kid...
 Ready to race!
 Cow train!!!
 uncle Thanh rescued carter after she saw the easter bunny. She does not like the easter bunny. He's worse than santa.
Harrison was so focused in the egg on the spoon race. He was behind us all but I admired the concentration.

21 April 2014

1 month old!!!

Jefferson Daniels at one month

-being held by anyone (mommy, daddy, harrison, carter, o'ma or o'pa, aunts, uncles, people at church, friends at the park...) 
-his binkie occasionally 
-being swaddled (although of course he pretends he doesn't. He sleeps much better) 
-eating 4 oz of formula and nursing at least every three hours. It feels like he eats constantly.  He is a hungry boy! 
-Grunting. Making lots of noises. 
-The swing. If he's not hungry, anyway.  
-Going out places. After the initial in the car cry, he's usually great when we're out somewhere. 

-The carseat. He cries most times he gets in the car for at least ten minutes. BLAST!!!
-Being naked. Changing clothes or having his diaper changed. 
-Being in the baby carrier. 

Really doesn't mind: 
-Tummy time. He tolerates it really well and better than his brother and sister did.  

We love you Jefferson and I wish I could hold you all day long like you'd prefer.  You will thank us for the siblings and crazy family life someday, right??? 

Official one month picture in our leather chair
Tummy time!!! Or a rest
Excuse me???
I have a lot of respect for people who can photograph babies in baskets and make them look cute without crying.....
Best I could do. Off centered, but I do love the baby wrinkles :)

Get me out of this thing!!!!

10 April 2014

Spring in Utah is magical

At the playground or jumping on the neighbors trampoline for hours every day. So many friends in the neighborhood. We  are loving it!!!! This is what everyone was talking about all winter long. 

04 April 2014


I wrote a more detailed blog post but it got deleted (of course).. So this is what I can handle.

Three kids is hard!!! Our mornings getting out the door are stressful, lunchtime is rough, afternoons are super chill with 2 kids sleeping, and 4 pm- 8 is basically hellish :) overnight is ok. But The lack of sleep is definitely getting to me . 

I'm having the same breastfeeding troubles ive always had. I'm Now taking herbs and meds to try to increase supply and j gets formula several times a day (at our two week appt he hadn't gotten back to birth weight and was 83% height and 38% weight...) It adds up to eight or so nursing sessions a day , 6 bottles, and maybe pumping once if I can fit it in... This is frustrating and takes a lot of time I don't really actually have, given that I have two other kids and a clean house. 

Carter struggles to adapt and wants to be held every time I hold the baby. Harrison is a great helper. Carter is too if she wants to be. Mostly though she just wants to whine, fight with her brother, and take off her pants. They both love Jefferson and love to help with him which is awesome. The little moments make it worth it. 

It's great though, right?? Yay for three kids!! We will adjust soon!!!!!

And ... Here are some pictures: 

Binky face

After a traumatic sponge bath

At the aquarium !!!  (Yes we have gotten out!!)

Cutie pie

Bribed with dum dums 

A huge tower!!!

Helping out???

Yes- we're crazy 

On a walk to the temple with the two babies -- love my new double jogger (not that I've jogged yet...)