08 September 2014

bummer with a silver lining

So I got this nice camera for Christmas and took a couple of really cute pictures of Jefferson with it on the day he was blessed (let me tell you about that day...Cory promised he scheduled it, but somehow someone forgot to tell the bishopric and it didn't happen at church. I was a bit stressed out about that, but we had our nice first counselor come over after so we could do the blessing at home and it was even better...CRISIS AVERTED).  Anyway, like any good mother who is far too aware of blank spaces on her walls, I decided we needed some new canvas prints so I went to order some online yesterday and was chagrined to find that my camera's default setting saved the pictures in super low resolution that is not appropriate to print in ANYTHING LARGER THAN FOUR BY SIX. For. Serious. WHY CANNON, WHY?????

That problem has been fixed. However, the damage is done and this blog or other places on the internets is the only place these beauties can be enjoyed. Oh well.  He's still the cutest baby ever, IMHO.

 Ok this one was taken around easter. My little bunny.
 OH my heavens that one needs to be huge and ON MY WALL (sad face)
Jefferson's inner monologue: "Excuse me, I'm about to fall off this lap, could someone help me out please, and get me some milk, and my fingers to chew on while you're at it--SCHPANKS!!!!"

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