17 July 2014

Carter isms

Carter is simultaneously so adorable I could melt and so frustrating I could scream..when she is in a good mood (and not screaming because I pushed the button to close the garage..for example.. Not that she's doing that right now..) she has the cutest personality and we are constantly amused by the things that come out of her mouth. Before I forget them here are some of our favorites: 

Scoopy me in (scoot me in)
Poc ci cle (Popsicle)
Can you do me a favorite? (Can you do me a favor?)
Open in it (open it)
Copping chart (shopping cart)
Bwing Bwing (her blanket)
All wight (all right)
Ott (off) 
Docker (doctor) 
Cubbers ( covers) 
Cue me (excuse me)
Natos (tomatoes)
Boon (spoon) 
Lossit (lots of it)
Wong ( long) 
Nuggly blanket (snugly blanket)
Water pop ( otter pop) 
Jeppers (Jefferson) 


Jen Perkins said...

Very cute! I'm gonna be sad someday when all our cute kids talk like normal adults.

Melinda said...

Water pop - I love it. Carter is such a sweet little girl.