31 October 2009


From Tigger!!! Harrison doesn't really sit still for pictures so I had to take quite a few to capture the full effect of his costume. He's actually only allowing me to do this right now because I'm letting him chew on my computer cord....

and Cory was the mad hatter (the johnny depp version). This is him with make up before work yesterday --his costume won "requires the most explanation..." haha
I made the hat too :) mostly just because cory said I couldn't do it--HA!! I win!!!

I REALLY wanted to be Alice in Wonderland to go along with the mad hatter but by the time I thought of the idea it was far too late to make a costume and apparently you cannot buy an alice in wonderland costume in the state of arizona that is not a whore ish version of alice that would not be appropriate for the ward trunk or treat...
oh well


Shalise said...

Harrison is so cute and Cory's costume is impressive! Way to go on the hat

ajehz and m said...

amazing hat! ambs! you are a domestic goddess and a sewing genious.

Stephanie said...

Harrison was the cutest Tigger ever!