24 September 2008

apparently Joe Biden doesn't know who was president when the stock market crashed???

if you ask me, not knowing 9th grade American history is a whole lot more problematic then not fully grasping the "Bush Doctrine" .....at the same time I can't help but admit that I somehow find Joe Biden's silly little comments endearing...he doesn't care about saying the right thing...he just lets whatever come out of his mouth!!!



browneyedgirl said...

Yeah I turned to a radio station who was recounting what happened, so funny and yet very scary and pathetic!!!

thanks for the link.

Angela said...

keep the politics coming! I love you!

betsey said...

Is it bad that I have been holding my breath while watching the VP debates because I'm afraid that Biden is going to say something crazy? I admit, he is a little off the cuff, but come on Amber...Palin reads all newspapers and can't name another Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade?!?!?!? That is FAR WORSE than not knowing who the President was in 1929

Unknown said...

I have to admit that I was a little shocked about some of the roe v. wade accusations....however...not everyone is in law school and studies these cases over and over again right?? I think there is plenty that Palin doesn't know..however I still am a fan and am not going to automatically assume she's stupid. No one assumes Biden is stupid...what a MAN can made dumb comments and people laugh it off but if a chick does it and suddenly she's an idiot?? Ok, maybe that's a stretch. I think both Palin and Biden did a good job at the VP debate...although I got a little tired of Palin saying "also"...and a little tired of Biden grinning in such a condescending manner when she talks...