23 September 2009

stuff and stuff

I have yet to blog about our three weeks of three vacations (2 weekend, one week long) because I (of course) couldn't find the cord that connects my camera to my computer. Today, while putting some random stuff that I didn't want to REALLY put away in our kitchen junk drawer, I FOUND it!!! So as promised: the reasons my primary kiddos were missing me for three whole sundays:

Vacay-numero uno:
We went to Sedoma with my mom, larry, aaron, and Stephanie to celebrate me turning 28 (SCARY!!! that's like 2 away from 30 right??) and Aaron turning 26. The absolute highlight of the trip was for sure the HUGE jacuzzi hot tub (with jets) that inexplicably was smack dab in the middle of our hotel room (that's right no one else's hotel room-just ours). It was awesome...sadly, I didn't get a picture. We also had fun trying to run 10 miles and failing miserably due to too much traffic and construction and big hills and not enough sidewalks (ok that was just me), eating a DELICIOUS dinner, hiking, and looking at silly tourist trap type shops. It was a fun family weekend for sure.

Number Two: We went to Utah so I could run the top of utah half marathon with Lisa and Jen (and Jen's husband russ). I ran it MUCH slower than my first half marathon in 2005 but I'm happy to say that I ran the whole thing with no walking-YAY!!! Plus there could not have been better running conditions. The course starts in Logan Canyon and runs through some adorable picturesque towns--first seven miles or so was awesome, around mile 11 it got a little tough but we survived..and maybe someday I'll do it again :)

And the big daddy of vacations (ok..longer than a weekend anyway): DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My old roomies and I (all six of us) got together in DC for a week (four are living there, two of us came from AZ and Utah) and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! So Awesome to see everyone (plus their cute kids) again!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE these girls--we had SUCH a good time doing lots of touristy stuff I hadn't done, going "camping" in the in laws' backyard, and having lots and lots of late night conversation in various locales---and of course there was a "leave the babies at home girls night" :) :)


Jen Perkins said...

Fun, fun, fun! And I love your slideshows. I need to get me some of those. You do know that the really bad close-up picture of Lisa that I sent you with the marathon pictures was a joke, right??? It's from like 5 years ago. Either way, I love that it's in your slideshow!

rachel said...

YAY for vacations!I felt like I was really there. It was especially entertaining to see Corey in a cowboy hat. FUN!

Unknown said...

hahahahahahaaa--it is?? That's funny--well she still looks like that so it's relevant :)

Kari said...

OH fun! Glad you had a fun vaca and YAY for you for running a half marathon!! Amber you are awesome!! Fun pics!!

The Wheelers said...

When are you coming back!!! We miss you! The pics are adorable!

Sheila said...

HOW FUN AMBER!! I loved your update. Congrats on running the race the whole time...I totally admire yoU!! You and the girls look like you had a fun time in DC. Those girls are great. Love you!

Shalise said...

Was that top of Utah marathon-my bro ran that last weekend too! Way to go! You've got to put those pics on our shutterfly-so cute!! What a great week-miss everyone.

Unknown said...

good for your bro-I only ran the half though--it's the middle part of the full marathon course-SO PRETTY!!!!