So...I have a baby!! Life will never be the same!!! Cory is officially back at work and I go back for my LAST semester (yay) on Tuesday!! I will be occupied every night but Friday and on Saturday for four hours--it will give Cory and the baby some good daddy son bonding time and give me a chance to stay abreast of the "intellectual" world (or something??? ). I'm just lucky I only have 10 credits left and that I was able to find some pretty decent night classes, all of which I'm excited about...except maybe construction law....Harrison and I are adjusting well to being home and hanging out together. He's been pretty easy so far --sleeps, eats, cries, sleeps, eats, etc...We've taken him to church, out to lunch, to Target, walked around the Mall...he sleeps through most of it. Cory and I are just more and more amazed every day that 1)WE HAVE A BABY!!! We are so blessed...babies are so amazing-it's this indescribable parental love thing :) and 2) that OUR baby is SO freaking cute!! He's cute when he sleeps, cute when he cries and his little lip quivers, cute when he sticks out his tongue and ADORABLE when he's awake and just taking everything in. Here are a couple more pics..they don't really capture his cuteness though--you're going to have to come out here and see for yourself :)
18 January 2009
getting the hang of things
So...I have a baby!! Life will never be the same!!! Cory is officially back at work and I go back for my LAST semester (yay) on Tuesday!! I will be occupied every night but Friday and on Saturday for four hours--it will give Cory and the baby some good daddy son bonding time and give me a chance to stay abreast of the "intellectual" world (or something??? ). I'm just lucky I only have 10 credits left and that I was able to find some pretty decent night classes, all of which I'm excited about...except maybe construction law....Harrison and I are adjusting well to being home and hanging out together. He's been pretty easy so far --sleeps, eats, cries, sleeps, eats, etc...We've taken him to church, out to lunch, to Target, walked around the Mall...he sleeps through most of it. Cory and I are just more and more amazed every day that 1)WE HAVE A BABY!!! We are so blessed...babies are so amazing-it's this indescribable parental love thing :) and 2) that OUR baby is SO freaking cute!! He's cute when he sleeps, cute when he cries and his little lip quivers, cute when he sticks out his tongue and ADORABLE when he's awake and just taking everything in. Here are a couple more pics..they don't really capture his cuteness though--you're going to have to come out here and see for yourself :)
11 January 2009
Harrison Kent Brown was born January 9, 2008 at 1:18 p.m (yes that's one incredibly long week past my due date). He was 8 pounds 11 ounces and 18 inches long. We had an appointment to get induced the night before at 10--after about 10 hours of dialating 1 cm on ptocin, the doctor broke my water, I had about an hour of completely heinous contractions, got an epidural and four lovely drug induced hours later I was at 10 cm and started pushing. It didn't take all that long and honestly aside from the really uncomfortable night not getting anywhere and the hour or so of awful contractions things went pretty well. We came home yesterday afternoon and I am SO happy to be home where Cory can help me all the time without being stuck trying to sleep in a horrible hospital chair. I was a bit worried because Harrison really didn't sleep much the first couple of nights (or days for that matter) but he has gotten used to things and has been sleeping ALL day. Cory and I have finally gotten a chance to relax and recover a little. I am feeling good and we are getting used to the up all night, feeding, diapering, crying newborn stage. He is SUCH a cutie and I just can't believe that he's home and he's ours. I'm so grateful that I have this chance to be a mother and that we have such great and supportive friends and family--thank you to Lisa for coming and hanging out with me at the hospital so I could rest and to my mom who was scrubbing our bathroom for like three hours this afteroon :) And thank you to my wonderful supportive husband who is JUST SO CUTE with our little guy!!!
As far as the name goes---his middle name Kent was my dad's name and we thought that was fitting for our first son. We chose Harrison because it fits with our theme of naming all of our kid's after the last names of presidents (william henry harrison, he's not named after harrison ford or george harrison of the beatles...) We had been tossing around other president names but I have been liking Harrison for about a month now--Cory was initially opposed because he does not want anyone calling him Harry--however ,I successfully convinced him that we could avoid the harry thing as much as possible--and when he was born we both just felt right about Harrison. (it's also a street near where we live and H. Kent Brown is just such a good general authority name, don't you think??)

He loves his daddy!!! We can't really decide if he looks like either of us...
What he has been doing ALL day today!!--Sleeping!! YAY!
Waiting to go home the hospital
When are we LEAVING????
Hospital volunteers gave us this cute little hat--and the binky---very helpful to quiet him down in the middle of the night :)
He found his arms!!! Harrison loves aunt Lisa--and she SO wants a baby now..right???
Right after he was born--I LOVE those lips!!!
As far as the name goes---his middle name Kent was my dad's name and we thought that was fitting for our first son. We chose Harrison because it fits with our theme of naming all of our kid's after the last names of presidents (william henry harrison, he's not named after harrison ford or george harrison of the beatles...) We had been tossing around other president names but I have been liking Harrison for about a month now--Cory was initially opposed because he does not want anyone calling him Harry--however ,I successfully convinced him that we could avoid the harry thing as much as possible--and when he was born we both just felt right about Harrison. (it's also a street near where we live and H. Kent Brown is just such a good general authority name, don't you think??)
He loves his daddy!!! We can't really decide if he looks like either of us...
06 January 2009
NO!! I haven't had a baby yet--but I did have an appt this morning and they set me up to get induced tomorrow night at 10 p.m. I know going into labor in the middle of the night is a little nuts but that was the earliest the hospital had available (you know...since they wouldn't even make an appointment til I was almost a week past my due date...) and I took it!! So--it looks like baby boy brown's bday will be 1-8-09---and maybe, just maybe I won't be pregnant FOREVER!! THANK GOODNESS!!!
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