09 October 2009

After the most awful day ever

Well about two days. TWO MONTHS actually...waiting and waiting, hoping, and stressing, and going over and over that STUPID torts question in my head again and again. The results are FINALLY up (I was expecting to get them in the mail yesterday, or today, or to have them posted THIS MORNING, but no, those bar examiners like to torture you..)...

I just found out.....

I PASSED THE BAR!!! Seriously, I was really thinking it might not happen...but I did!!! TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!!


Jen Perkins said...

I'm so proud of you!!! Congrats!

Camille said...

we knew you would. you're amazing to do that and have an adorable little boy. good work!

Summer said...

don't ever doubt yourself AGAIN young lady! of course you passed because you ROCK :-)

dave and i are sending our good thoughts your way - congrats on all the hard work and long study hours paying off. may you always be able to find fulfilling way to use your amazing talents (and if you don't mind i'll keep your phone number hand just in case we're even in need of your services-wink).

betsey said...

WHOOOO HOOOO! Some MAJOR celebrations are in order! We are SO PROUD of you PAMBY! You are the smartest, the best and the most amazing lawyer in the whole world (well, maybe except for Richard...he is my husband after all :)...) We can't wait to see what you do next, cause I believe that Pamby can do ANYTHING!


The Wheelers said...

Pamberella!!!! You are AWESOME! I knew you would, I never had any doubt! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah and I got a little paper from the AZ Supreme court asking me if I knew you...I said sort of... was that wrong? hee hee

Love ya! All our good vibes worked!!!

Kari said...

AHHH!!! YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!! Congratulations Amber!!! YOU ROCK!!!! I'm jumping up and down celebrating with you!! Seriously that is SO awesome!! You are amazing girl!! It was all that studying here in Cali that did it!! :)
Give that little chubby Harrison some hugs from me!! Love your updates on him too! He is such a cutie!! Miss you guys!!!

rachel said...

CONGRATULATIONS amber!! That is so awesome. You deserve a big ol celebration. All of our love and congrats.WELL DONE!

browneyedgirl said...

Way to go Amber! Congratulations on passing the BAR!

ajehz and m said...

no surprise, amber! you are such a clever girl (imagine excellent judy dench brit accent...) we are so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!! how lucky can a girl be: good looks, hot husband, adorable baby boy (who army crawls magnificently), AND brains?

Shalise said...

Well I was never stressing about it :) cause I knew you would pass!! Congrats-that's awesome-so excited for you-celebrate crazy!