13 January 2011


(the title was harrison's way of saying he was turning 2)

Last Saturday we were able to celebrate Harrison's birthday with a little shindig with some of our close friends. I made a very large "volcano" cake with frosting lava and dry ice that looked like smoke--it was pretty cool :) Harrison had a great time eating pizza and cake (and picking m and ms out of the trail mix), seeing how fast he could open his presents, and fraternizing with his current best buds alex, bekah, alesa, and sabrina. It snowed that morning but stopped just in time for everyone to get there and still be pretty outside :)

The birthday boy poses for mommy before people started showing up. I picked up some balloons that morning and harrison LOVED them (in fact, he gave two of them still hanging around our house a bath earlier tonight...)

Harrison checks out the volcano with alex in the background (he dressed like a cowboy in honor of woody since toy story is Harrison's favorite :))

whoa cool...what's all that green stuff at the bottom? (duh...grass...)

Bring on the sugar, I've got my fork!!!

Daddy helped Harrison blow out the 2 candle I stuck in the side of volcano mountain, not that he needed it!
Harrison, Alesa, and Bekah check out Harrison's awesome huge set of plastic food..he loves it! French fries and apples come in the bathtub regularly now

We also got Harrison an easel and of course it is more fun to climb in and color on the WRONG side :)

Harrison was wearing his hat sideway so of course I had to one up that and where TWO hats

I can't believe my baby is two but I just LOVE the stage he is at. Yes, he sometimes pushes and hits for no reasons or pulls toys away or gives me attitude and screams "No"...but he is also such a sweet wonderful spirited fun kid! I complain so much about having to drive across town in traffic but Harrison actually makes it fun, singing along to our pandora kids station (he picks out the song before I do! Cookie monster, big bird, little mermaid, lion king...genius, I tell you!) or laughing his head off as I tickle him or make silly noises! He is also talking up a STORM lately, and I LOVE IT!!! He sings to himself, loves to play with play dough and color with markers (who would give a two year old markers?? me..), tries to stand on his head, throws himself on the ground with some kind of empathy if someone else falls (or maybe he just hates the attention away from him??)...Here are some fun phrases we hear around our house:

"Mommy, Watch This!!" when he wants us to see him do something, like climb on the windowsil and jump on to the bed, for example...

"Bombs Away!" playing with the cannonball on his pirate ship

"Nice and Clean" in the tub, and of course "No nice and clean Harrison" just nice and clean dinasour, balloon, etc.

"Shannon, boo bus" Shannon is a girl harrison plays with on Mondays, she goes to preschool and they wait for the "school" bus together

"There it/he/she is!!!" I think this comes from "Are you my mother" a book we read ALL the time

"Cat in the Hat" Another favorite book

"Friend in Me!" yes, he can't just call it toy story but he has to associate it with the song from the movie

"Fly Buzz!!" again, from toy story

"No Heidi House!" (don't worry heidi he is always super excited as soon as he gets there :))

"Oh, ok"--this one comes out so funny and cute

"Mommy, Daddy", or the also popular "Daddy Mommy" or "Daddy Mommy Hold You!"

"No night night!!" followed by "Book!" "Water!" "Nanna" and lots of other things to avoid going to bed...manipulator already!

"One...Two...Three!" again, usually jumping off something, and sometimes it's "Two...Two...Two!!"

"Come on!"

"Hi Guys!!"

"Thank you, mommy" my favorite when it comes out of nowhere!

"Daddy, catch this!!"

"Birthday Party!!" "Birthday Cake!" (when we asked him what he wanted for lunch after church the next day...hahaha)

and lots lots more...just love this kid. HAPPY TWO BIRTHDAY HARRISON!!!


Grandpa said...

Thanks Amber for posting these pics! What a guy! We miss him and just want to hug him and squeeze and kiss those big ol cheeks.

rachel said...

Happy Birthday Harrison. Amber,You guys are doing a great job. That Volcano cake is awesome! He's such a handsome guy.

Jen Perkins said...

Looks like a fun party! Happy birthday to Harrison! And when did you start wearing glasses? You look super sexy smart.