05 August 2012

Growing Up

At nine months Carter is...

Giving us high fives, waving, and doing "SO BIG!!!" (another thing that makes her way diff from Harrison who never did that stuff) (editoria note---no she is not actually high fiving in the picture...but it represents what she does do that I've been unable to capture..picture=going after mommy's camera and trying to eat it..of course...)

Everything!!!! (and she loves trying to climb the stairs which usually means climbing one step and hanging out on the landing)
Being Silly 
Dragging her friends all over the house (yes that's a popple---it was mine when I was little) (notice-back on that landing)

 Hamming it up for the camera

 Giving up the highchair in favor of the booster seat and eating lots and lots--favorite are blueberries, bananas, noodles, baby puffs, and of course anything Harrison decides to share

And pretty much still the cutest thing ever (even when she feigns a sad face)

At three and a half Harrison is... 

Going back to rear facing??? No.... 

 Last weekend we braved two malls on Saturday to go to a Build a Bear store and let Harrison pick a new friend to put all of his binkies into--Meet Kermie--
 (Harrison and Kermie enjoying a "waste of 50 cents if you ask me" space ship game after they first met

This was a pretty much genius idea (that didn't come from me). I had no problem with Harrison just using the binkies at night for the last year and a half until he had a dentist appt and she said they needed to go. DONE! It hasn't been painless (we really haven't slept much in the last week) but we haven't looked back and while he does wake up more often he totally understands the binkies are gone and has very rarely asked for them. YAY!!!

And finally...

At nearly 31 (EEK!!) Amber is... 

Rediscovering her natural haircolor? Yep. 2 and a half hour, $150 appts were no longer worth it. Brunette all the way! (for now anyway...)

1 comment:

Heidi Miller said...

I love your hair dark!! LOVE IT!! And um....Harrison and Carter look SO much alike! Adoreable.