30 April 2013

Zoo day

A couple of weeks back we took advantage of the first warm day of the season and went to the zoo. We got there right at 10 AM when it opened and it was perfect.  The kids were really good thanks to animals, nice weather, a popsicle, and an ice cream bar. And it was So fun to see Carter get really into seeing the animals for the first time.

 We started the day with a popsicle which Harrison was happy to share with Carter (this is the price one must pay when he convinces his mommy to buy a popsicle at 10 AM....)

 And off to the sea lions! It was so cool watching them swim right by us in this big tank.
 Bear in a tree!!!
 Checking out some sting rays
 Splashing in puddles in Amazonia
 Lunch break!
 Orangatang out for a walk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love the picture of Harrison feeding the popsicle to Carter. That's so cute!