06 April 2013

sunday afternoon walk on Theodore Roosevelt Island

Who knew there was a pretty little island (prettier in the spring I'm sure, but even pretty a few weeks back when it was decidedly still winter) right off of the potomac in the middle of DC? I did, although this was the first time I ventured all the way around.  We had lots of fun, and by the end Cory was planning what he would do if the island was all his (there would be tours, but they would cost you).

 going up to the monument
 It's a boy in a hollow tree!
 So...what made this Theodore Roosevelt guy so special? All I could remember from 10th grade AP history was "speak softly and carry a big stick..."
 Yes, we regularly take carter to long walks through a swamp without shoes. Cool like that.
 A nice view of the kennedy center
 Carter wants to get out and get him
 She was really trying hard here
 OH! CARTER WINS!! Harrison's down. Without even leaving the stroller

Balancing on a log

By the by. Why I won't dare show pictures because we are still unpacking (note to self--moving with two kids is about eight billion times harder than moving with one!!), but here are five things I love about our new house:

1. squishy, soft, somewhat upgraded carpet.
2. Dark tile in the kitchen and real wood, medium tone floors. They look SO much cleaner for so much longer than the blond fake wood I'm used too. Happy day for me!!!
3. The deck. Big enough for Harrison to ride his bike endlessly around our patio table.
4. The neighborhood. Super nice neighbors in our little mini street, plus I met a girl with kids the same ages as mine half a block down. Score.
5. Cory and Harrison hiked through the woods over a creek to get to our friends' house on Monday. Love that we're so close to such things as "woods" and a "creek"

For good measure--I'll just throw in #6--my commute is about the same despite it being further away due to freeways that are surprisingly not busy when I'm on them. And the drive to get cory to/from the metro is a breeze so far.

1 comment:

rachel said...

Yay! I can't wait to see. It sounds like the dream house! I heart walks so so much, can't wait to start up again.