18 March 2013

St Patrick's day re-cap

Yesterday we wore green, had green Choc chip pancakes with for breakfast, and made rainbow cupcakes with whipped cream frosting.

Tonight Cory taught us about the symbolism behind the shamrock and Harrison did a scavenger hunt for a cupcake treat. Bam. I'm happy I can slide by with minimal planning and Harrison is as thrilled as he would be if the hunt had seventeen steps and involved finding a real rainbow and home made chocolate gold deblooms

:) ps- that picture that might leave you wondering is Harrison licking whipped cream off the floor after he dropped his cupcake on it. I'd consider that too, bud. And yes I did stop him and clean up the mess. After I took a picture.


Melinda said...

Those cupcakes are adorable (so is Harrison).

Jen Perkins said...

Good job, mama! Sounds like a fun day.