09 May 2013

Carter is eighteen months!!!!

A couple of weeks ago Carter hit 18 months. She is a ball of fun and energy. Just now she joined her brother in a rousing game of "slide down the stairs on my tummy." She can be very moody and particular but lately has not been such a picky eater (YAY!) and will actually eat what I put in front of her, although not too many veggies. She loves to snuggle and loves her blankie (she will stop what she's doing and climb upstairs to get it. It's funny).  She still gets a bottle at bedtime and is so done with sitting in a high chair or booster.  She also get a huge kick out of playing with the changing pad on her dresser and buckling and unbuckling the straps (not that you could strap it around her or get her to be still during a diaper change). She drags that thing all over the house. Same thing with that booster you can't strap her into. Those are TOYS! DUH!!!  She says lots and lots of words: mamma, dadda, carter, brudda, kitty, hi, ice, yes, no, down, cracker, please, cheese, truck, jump, water, ball, baa, sheep, moo, chalk, night night, don't know, choo choo, car, go, rosa (our new nanny), o'pa, bubbles, cookie, elmo, ROAR, and lots more I can't think of.   We had her eighteen month appt and she was in like 90th for height and head size and about 70th for weight. 25 pounds and 33 inches. And has all of her teeth (and I think will get those 2 year old molars soon). In the interest of keeping our new nanny from driving off the road due to her screaming in the car seat  I just flipped her forward facing. She's much happier. I would have liked to make it to 2 but I think the overall driving experience is safer for all of us.

We love you princess carter pants-Happy year and a half!!!!

 gotta love my finger in this one
 best friends!

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