21 July 2013

Great Country Farms

This summer we joined a CSA (which stands for community supported agriculture) at a farm about an hour and a half from us. Every week we pick up a box full of delicious, often random, fruits and veggies. It's been great trying to get the kids to try new things and to figure out what to do with the massive amount of cucumbers they've given us. Last week 8 jars of pickles...and this week they gave me more. I've also had fun with white squash, yellow squash, swiss chard, kale, radishes (which are delicious roasted btb), and lots of other interesting things I probably wouldn't normally buy.  Before we signed up we went out to the farm for the strawberry festival.  One of the perks is you can get in free to pick stuff, play on slides, and jump on a huge inflated pillow-sweet!!!

 pickin strawberries

 sliding down
 coming down a much bigger slide!!
 Daddy got in on that one too
 Tire Mountain!!


Jen Perkins said...

Is Harrison picking strawberries or a booger in that first pic? Either way, they are cute pics and that place looks awesome!

Melinda said...

Looks so fun!