24 July 2013

Right Now

Harrison Loves:
1. Asking TONS of questions. I thought this phase was over, but I just endured about eight hundred questions while reading Go Dog, Go, so I guess not.
2. Making a "sprayground" in the backyard with the hose. I try to tell him this should be called a "sprinkler" but he doesn't get that. Not enough sprinklers around here I guess.
3. Swimming. We're trying to wean him off the puddle jumper and he now is pretty good with just a pool noodle. I think if I threw him in he could do it (not that I will, don't worry).
4. getting carter jellybeans out of our candy jar. He's helpful.
5. Interpreting what his sister wants when she's crying.
6. Giving massive kisses that leave your cheeks dripping. Awesome.
7. Getting all freckly in the summertime. Love.
8. Playing soccer two nights a week with his team newly dubbed (via vote) the Tigers.  He's the second best player as far as we are concerned. The best kid has got to be 6. At least 5. It is so cute watching kids interact as a team at this age.
9. Singing songs. We listen to this "nursery rhyme" kid CD way too much. Mostly because we are too lazy to change the CD to something better. Anyway. He has them all memorized and will often be heard singing "ba ba blacksheep" or some other nonsense to himself.
10. Favorite Books: Mulan from a chick fil a kids meal (mostly because it is long and drives mommy crazy), give a moose a muffin from the library, favorite Ipad/Iphone Ap-temple run and these educational videos/games I let some door to door salesman talk me into...

Carter Loves:

1. Talking up a storm. She strings words together very well and repeats everything. My favorites are "w a wa mewon" (watermelon) and "pay ground!" (playground) when we drive by one.  Today I was in my room and she knocked on the door and said "knock knock." it was too cute.
2. Being  a helper. If anyone in a three mile radius asks for something you better believe she is on a mission to find it. Where's carter? Oh yeah, she went to get socks because I mentioned socks..
3. playing in the laundry basket. Getting her brother to push her around.
4. Throwing large balls down the stairs.
5. Screaming VERY LOUDLY and thinking it is the funniest thing EVER.
6. Jellybeans. This is the only way I ever get to do her hair. The vision of carter in pigtails is totally worth the teeth rotting.
7. Singing Row Row Row your boat with some kind of hand motions I have no idea where she picked up (maybe nursery?). Just started busting it out one day. awesome.
8. going to that place mentioned in #7 YAY.
9. Playing with her dolly. Giving her kisses. Having her give everyone and everything kisses. And feeding her. Or changing her diaper. Apparently whenever baby is sad she wants milk.  She also points out when real babies are crying (because they want milk too).
10. Favorite foods: Cheese is still probably #1. And apples. Nanas. cookies, although she mostly smashes them. And fishies. This girl and fishies. She will sometimes surprise me and eat lots of chicken (nugget or non nugget variety). Yogurt if she's in a good mood.  I don't think she has ever consumed a vegetable. She'll put it in her mouth, take it out, and tell me "no!"