02 December 2013


So, I waited until December, but I can't let Thanksgiving go by without expressing how grateful I am for my life right now. I love my wonderful sweet children. Both of which happen to be crying, cranky, and disobedient at this moment, but who bring me so much joy every single day. Harrison has the kindest most loving heart and I have no idea where he gets it from. Last weekend we were at the play area at the mall downtown and he was so cute playing with carter and looking after her. He loves his sister, he loves his mommy and daddy, he loves his friends.  He is fun, smart, and creative. Carter is an adorable bundle of energy. She is stubborn and opinionated and hilarious. She wants to do it all herself and now.  She loves her brother and her nursery teachers and our neighbors and our poor lost kitty (did I mention our kitty is lost? yep.). I'm also grateful for my husband who puts in more work at home than most dads I've seen. Who does bathtime every night and doesn't bat an eye if I want to go out with friends (which he never does).  Who is always up for eating out vs. staying home and for getting out of the house in any way possible. I'm not going to say I'm grateful that he "works hard so I can stay at home with our kids" (because I used to hate when people said that when I had a hard working husband and still couldn't stay home with the kids) but I'm grateful he was willing to make a big change and move across the country and take a new job so we could do what we felt was best for our family.  People ask if I miss working and I have to say no. no way. not at all. I have no regrets (ha ha one month in) about giving it up to be home with harrison and carter at this point in life. I don't feel inadequate or I'm not contributing to my family or have some need to justify my choices. This was right for me and I love it.  Doesn't mean they don't drive me nuts and that I won't go back to work in a few years but I'm happy to be here at this point. Yay for the holidays and for being grateful. Knock on wood :)

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