14 December 2009

What Harrison does when he thinks I'm not looking

And more on what we've been up to lately:
The kitchen faucet broke...here is our ghetto fabulous temporary solution while we try to track down a part (in order to avoid buying a whole new faucet...). Awesome.

I decorated 82 christmas cookies while harrison ate colored sugar off the floor
We got a tree and decorated it-YAY!!! I love this time of year
(we are re-arranging some furniture..that's why outdoor lights are sitting where the TV should be....)
AND harrison had fun with some garland.

That's pretty much it. Still no job for me. And sadly, I think the job-getting time of year is about over. However, the good news is that I have FINALLY been recommended for admission to the AZ bar. To save paying $267 for dues for like three days of 2009 I'm going to hold off on actually getting admitted until 2010 but it's nice to know that a license to practice law is in my future :)


rachel said...

Congratulations on the bar licensing in 2010! YAY! Harrison looks dashing in garland and colored sugar isn't the only thing Kimball has been eating. We are trying to rid him of a legos habit. What to do? older brother toys!

Shaun and Kelli said...

oh he is so adorable. Beautiful Christmas cookies too!! I LOVE to see everything he is doing so then it makes me feel better when I know Michael eats the sugar off the kitchen floor too b/c I'm not the only one who lets him. Hahaha. Merry Christmas!!!!

Unknown said...

hahahha Kelli--yeah, you know what I think to myself when he eats sugar off the floor?? "It's food...he's not eating a nail, screw, piece of glass he found, rock, bead, piece of dirt, or hazardous chemical..NO PROBLEM!!!"