22 February 2010


I love getting to know more and more of Harrison's personality as he gets older. Those traits that are just so unquestionably HIM. Harrison is someone who does what he wants to do when he wants to do it. And he is ALL BOY for sure---In a few years I will definitely be pulling rock collections and dead frogs out of his pants pockets when he come home from school. Today we went to the park and he was not at all interested in the awesome (way better than when I was a kid) jungle gym, slides, or other kid stuff. And when other kids came to play they only amused him for like 30 seconds. Instead he was way more into....

Tromping across the fields
Playing with rocks...and sticks
Some rocks are cooler than others...the best ones should be taken with you wherever you go

Exploring different plant species
And sidewalk variations at the nearby recycling center

I wish I got some pics of his foray into puddles...but you'll have to picture it.

I did get one baby butt crack picture to show future girlfriends though :)


Heidi Miller said...

His hair has gotten so much longer!! He is looking more and more like a little man and not a baby. SO CUTE!!! Love him.

Kari said...

HAha!! I love it Ambe! He is all boy and I love how you are capturing his little personality!! He is so dang cute!!