I've discovered that putting stuff around my neck (cords, towels, whatever) is SO fun!
I can open a package of Ramen noodles and eat it-YUMMY!!! (mommy thought this was a fluke until it was confirmed to her a second time..)
I can open drawers and reach in. Even if I can't see inside I'm sure there is something fun like makeup, toothpaste, a box of theraflu that I can play with.
If I manage to get my hands on some chapstick I've totally figured out how to get the lid off--SWEET!!!
If for some reason Red Robin won't let me sit in a high chair I can sit in a booster--so fun to be in the middle of the action!
I can visit every family in our ward during church. The ones with kids and food and way cool toys are the most fun :) I don't understand why other people that can walk stay in their chairs??? SO BORING!!
I can do baby sign language--mommy and daddy taught me a bit late because they got fed up with pointing and whining when I wanted something. At least now I can say "more" and "eat" and "drink" ...and "all gone" once in awhile.
I'm learning all kinds of new sounds and words. I'm a pro at dada, sometimes say mama (nana) when I'm mad, and have been heard to say truck, hi, eat, oh, woah, and of course kitty (ditty)
oh yeah and walking is awesome--I pretty much don't crawl at all now. And I've mastered getting from sitting from standing without help. YAY me!!!
"We are livin' the dream Harrison boy."-- Kimball
The whole church thing is about to drive me insane. He roams the halls looking for trouble and when I try to catch him screams like I am beating him. Everyone looks at us like oh poor baby.. . What do you do with that? My child is a con artist at 16 months old!
Totally understand!! No screaming yet but I'm sure it's coming soon...
You are so cute Amber!! I LOVE YOUR "Harrison" talk!! And i totally agree that visiting people during church is WAY more fun than staying in your seat!! Those other mommies are big meanies, YOUR MOMMY IS REALLY FUN!!
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