23 May 2010

Ten Random Thoughts From Me

Just to avoid jumping over the edge of "this blog is about our child and only about our child" ness:

1. This is my new favorite go-to recipe. It's cheap and easy. You can use any kind of crust and any kind of cheese. Just make sure you marinate the tomatoes. YUMMALISH.

2. If you didn't already see it on my google chat status earlier in the week, I think this is awesome and am about done with people screaming and yelling about the AZ immigration bill (even though I'm not actually a supporter). http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/19/arizona-official-threatens-cut-los-angeles-power-payback-boycott/

3. This is pretty funny too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6qEQ-KnitQ&feature=player_embedded

4. Have I told you I HATE Bank of America? We've tried to sever all ties with them but have been forced to keep one account open because we're waiting on our tax refund...every other day I check my accounts and they found a new way to screw us over my charging us some ridiculous fee. Die BOA Die.

5. AT&T too. Anyone whose tried to call me EVER can guess why.

6. We went to the broadcast of the Gila Valley Temple dedication today and it was great. President Monson called on the wives of the apostles there up to speak and I was so impressed that these amazing women can speak so eloquently off the cuff.

7. I interviewed with an attorney I'd really really like to work for (in Chandler) a couple of weeks ago. I thought long and hard about working for her for the meager pittance she could pay me and after consulting with Cory we decided it had too much potential to pass up. So I told her I would do everything I could to make it work. And haven't heard anything since. LAME.

8. We decided we're going to go to Cory's family reunion in Utah/Idaho at the end of June. It involves camping. I've been DYING to take Harrison camping. YAY.

9. We finally saw the Blind Side this weekend. It was good and I didn't cry nearly as much as I thought I would (totally weeped through every trailer). At the end of the movie we saw the credits and I was like---"Tim McGraw was in this...who was he?" WOW the hat makes a big difference.

10. And one about Harrison (sorry, couldn't resist). He seems to have a heat rash that I haven't been able to get rid of. It's a red bumpy rash on his legs and tummy. It makes me sad although it doesn't seem to bother him too much. Any suggestions on what to do? Everything I read says to get him out of the heat, make him cooler, which I try but it's impossible all the time given that we live in ARIZONA ...


rachel said...

Total Awesomeness on the temple dedication. I am sorry about money suckers trying to save their own tails and being so well. . . money sucking. You'd think that they have made enough off the mere interest on our credit card. I believe we keep the place in business. The rash- I like lotrimin or baby oil in the bath tub. My kids had eternal heat rashes there. These seemed to help. I hope the lady gives you the job. Fingers crossed for you!

Heidi Miller said...

I loved this post. It made me feel like I kinda know what is up in your life. Love it. So about the heat rash. You may want to just try an over the counter anti-fungal cream. Ask the pharmacist. Sometimes simple heat rashes can get some icky fungalness :) in them and spread more and have a harder time going away. You can also try just giving him cooler baths and making sure he is good and dry before putting the diaper back on. I know risky, but might be worth it. Also, changing his diaper annoyingly a lot can help too so there isn't ever moisture in there for long. Good luck. Rashes are awful.

kerri said...

marcy has BOA and I hate them as well!!! when is cory's family reunion?

Unknown said...

CRAP! It is the same weekend as your sealing--I didn't even think about that!! We'll have to figure that out.....