22 June 2010

know what I mean?

Although I've become MUCH more of a neat freak since being a mom, I still can't bear to clean off those little itty bitty handprints Harrison seems to leave around the house. He's only going to be small for a little while and I just need to eat it up while it lasts. (fyi that is looking out a window in the kitchen...)


rachel said...

I know exactly what you mean. These handprints outnumber me three to one. I couldn't get them all if I cleaned 24 hours a day. So, I have accepted them as part of our decor;)

Sheila said...

Seriously? Who cleans those? I'm with you and I love them. Plus, the second you wash it off, five seconds later it's there again, so really, what the heck is the point. That's how I feel about mopping right now too. Pointless.---I DO, however clean my table tops and counters a bazillion times a day because although that would be pointless as well, is just disgusting to leave!

Heidi Miller said...

I don't think I have EVER cleaned fingerprints off of anything in my house. Ever. So cute. You are such a good mommy.

ajehz and m said...

he is so squishable! how do you NOT just take a tiny little nibble of his cheeks every day?