12 June 2010

Summer iS HERE!!!

It is officially Summertime!!! I'm not sure what I did last summer but this summer the heat has meant lots of playing outside with the hose, swimming, and visiting various splash pads and fountains. Harrison LOVES outside, LOVES the water, LOVES exploring and hurting himself and getting little chubby red cheeks and bruises and bumps and scratches..BRING IT ON!!!
Why is my silly mom trying to take pictures of me??
Monkey Face LOVES dropping things in the pool...especially ROCKS

Mommy--you need to stay hydrated-have some water?
Rocks need water too!!
OOH--What's over there?? Something I can climb on???

In other news--here's some fun with links
I have been working here for the last month and a half --it's averaged from 3-5 days a week
Starting next week I will be here on Wednesdays and Fridays ( yeah that's the super close one..yippee for working in Chandler and minimizing the commute) ---hoping one of them will someday turn into a real job :)
And occasionally I still write stuff for this for fun.

Also, for the last SIX LONG DAYS Cory has been here learning about how to make iphone and ipad apps..and basking in apple steve jobs glory..


Jen Perkins said...

Cute! I can't wait until Owen is old enough to run around and enjoy the water. Fun pics. :)

rachel said...

We will be in town in July. I know it's the craziest month to be in az. We are going to be there for a bit longer this time. I really really want to do a play date if I can get it together! We have to catch up. I want to hear about these jobs, your adventures and Corey's ingenius iphone apps.

Shalise said...

Amber-I've been wondering about all the job stuff-that's cool-shouldn't be bored with 3 different jobs. Harrison is soo cute-I wish he and Vincenzo could play-I think they would get along REALLY well.

Unknown said...

Rachel--Let's do it! Give me a call!! Shalise, I'm sure they would--you need to come visit!

Shaun and Kelli said...

SO FUN! I just bought Michael that same surf shirt for the pool! Another reason why Harrison and Michael are destined to be friends one day! AGH! He's so cute. I love what kids can do with a a hose and a bucket. Mine go nut! LOVE summertime!