07 November 2010

Thank you i phone 4!!!

We got cory a new phone and it takes way better pics than my phone, or even my camera-YAY!! Such a relief for those of us that love pictures but can't seem to get it together to bring a camera...ever..... Here are some of what we've been up to

For Halloween we decorated pumpkins with the Millers and also went to their trunk or treat because there was no way we could get to ours given the traffic situation around here (6 pm on friday...YEAH RIGHT). We also borrowed some costumes and were thing 1 and thing 2--Harrison was an adorable giraffe (although I'm a little annoyed his 2T-3T costume was almost too small when he JUST started wearing 2T clothes...WHAT UP TARGET???

In this picture Harrison is saying--"This sour patch thing tastes funny!!!"
I promise next year I'll be more creative with the costumes...but seriously running around in huge footie pajamas was KIND OF AWESOME

Yesterday we drove down to Mt Vernon for a couple of hours-I've been a few times but Cory had never been. It is only $10 more to get year passes so we totally took advantage. It is beautiful up there and there are lots of places for a toddler to run around after he barely makes it through the house tour :)

climbing a fence to look at the cows

Kind of I LOVE this picture--he's contemplating the meaning of life, and hay, of course...
of course you have to sit on the green chairs outside the house
With daddy
George's view--I'm a little (LOT) jealous
family shot. Sorry, I refuse to do my hair on saturdays :)

Harrison found a stick!! YAY STICKS!!!


Sheila said...

The one of the three of you with the nice view in the background...I LOVE that one, and we actually have a picture EXACTLY like that one from when we came out there when Justin was 9 months old!! I swear, if we put them side by side we'd be standing in the exact same spot!! SO COOL!! I LOVE your costumes, your hair is awesome, and you look so cute! I am loving all these family shots with Cory's new phone!! SWEET!

Todd and Emily said...

so glad d.c. is treating you both so well. Jonas and Harrison will get along great...they both share a stick fettish! Darling pics! Its crazy to see Cory w/o glasses btw!