23 April 2011

Harrison's First Parade!

(waiting for the fun to start--no, we don't go anywhere without the monkey leash)

A few weekends ago we went downtown for the Cherry Blossom Festival parade and had a great time. The weather was cool but cooperated and Harrison loved watching the bands and ballons and other fun stuff in the parade--he was content to be held or on Daddy's shoulders for the whole first half (which is great for him) and afterwards we checked out the natural history museum for a bit. I love it when we get to do fun stuff like this!

Harrison and I passed the time before it started by making some silly faces for the camera. Luckily Cory's phone has a camera option where we can see ourselves which is about the only way I can get him to look and smile without saying..."I see it!!" and running around to the other side of the camera...

A cool band from DC

Drummers--pretty awesome

My favorite was the revolutionary war era band

And of course no parade is complete without a huge balloon of yogi bear :)


Jen Perkins said...

Glad you guys always find fun stuff to do. Looks like you had a good time!

Angela said...

I'm glad Yogi made a good appearance for you guys! I love the monkey leash! haha