08 May 2011

Potty Training Update

So...yesterday we did the potty party which was fun (we taught buzz lightyear how to go which Harrison loved), albeit tiring...Harrison put his big kid underpants on after a bit of drama and he can be convinced to sit on the potty (even for long periods of time...relatively..) but we can't seem to get him to actually GO in there. He doesn't have many accidents because I guess he just doesn't go that often and tends to drink most of his liquids towards the end of the day. We put him in a pull up for church and naps and he obviously gets wet (or poopy) and just doesn't care. We have a "special present" for him when he actually goes and he wants it because he asks about it, but still he's not making it happen. Any advice beyond wrangling him into the bathroom every 20 minutes????


rachel said...

We use Cheerios as targets in the toilet. You're doing everything right! The potty coach is our method of choice. He goes when brother goes but if he get disinterested it's okay just let him go on his time otherwise it will just take longer. I am convinced potty training is where patience is made. Good Luck you guys!

ajehz and m said...

Keep trying from time to time, kind of sounds like he might not be into the potty thing yet. When he's ready, he'll do it for sure! Don't get discouraged! Boys are slower than the girls with the potty...you must be getting sick of the poops though...

Heidi Miller said...

I would just say to try to get him to drink lots and lots and I mean lots during the day. It's the only way to get him to go often enough to learn...or you could just wait until he is older and understands more...hard to say. Every kid is so different! Good luck!