09 August 2011

unloading the fun in my camera

So, we're in our new house and I LOVE the extra space. The 3.5 bathrooms (yeah, that's too many) are finally clean to my liking. The kitchen, and most of the dining/living room are unpacked as well as Harrison and mine and Cory's room...baby sister's room is a disaster, the playroom downstairs REALLY needs a shelf. Hopefully by this weekend that will be rectified (last weekend was spent choosing some rugs for the living room. Traumatic but successful in the end...at least I think so...and Cory is "fine" with the selections...).

In the meantime, here is some of what we've been doing:

On the day of the big move I went over and hung out with harrison, alesa, and baby van so Andrew could help Cory move heavy things. THANK YOU DRU!!! The first thing Harrison and Alesa wanted to do was paint, of course :)

Something about showing mommy your mess fingers


Apples for snack time (don't worry the fruit snacks came later)

And then they spent a REALLY long time running back and forth between the living room and kitchen, finding dragons and unicorns in the pantry and reporting back to me about it. Harrison is at a very imaginative stage right now and I LOVE it.
Flashlights to slay the dragons???
Every once in awhile Harrison would position himself on the couch and say very nicely "Please can I hold Baby Van mommy?" Let's hope he is as sweet and loving with his baby sister...
And of course Alesa loves her baby brother :)
What else? Cory and harrison played air guitar with raquet ball rackets...and yes that is my foot :0
We found lots of new playgrounds nearby
Heidi and I comisserated about the fact that they are moving to Arizona soon :( over yummy tacos at Cafe Rio. I MISS YOU ALREADY HEIDI!!!
For the last several weeks Harrison has been taking swimming lessons in Arlington. Cory and I switch off who gets to go in the water with him and who gets to watch. Last night I tried to get some pics but you can hardly tell it's them, oh well. Week 1 was HORRID and Harrison refused to participate in the class and just wanted to do his own thing. Since then though he's been great and LOVES it. He's doing really well.
And here's 28 weeks in case you haven't seen it on facebook..Getting bigger and more uncomfortable every day...I'm sure those last 11 weeks will go by really fast right???


Jen Perkins said...

I can't wait for Owen to get bigger so he can finger paint and look for imaginary things. Fun!

rachel said...

Amber you are adorable! Love all the fun stuff and you must tell us more about this house. . . I want to see the rug selections!! So happy for you all.

The Wheelers said...

Man those kids are CUTE!!! What fun you all had! Dru was happy to help...he (and I) would have been MORE happy if the move had gotten you closer to us!!! :-)

Shalise said...

Glad you are in your new place!! Your belly isn't too big Amber-mine is huge in comparison!!

Sheila said...

Those finger paints LOOK AWESOME!!! How fun fun fun!! You're a great mom Amber, I'm so happy you have a new house, it sounds perfect! You look amazing, and I'm crossing my fingers that these next 11 weeks go by quickly for you!

ajehz and m said...

they will speed by, never fear!! you look beautiful, glowing and HAPPY! what a great time in life: new place, new baby, summertime, friends! miss you more than is decent to express. :)
and p.s. way to rock the three kids thing!