22 November 2011

captions are overrated

And take too long when you have a newborn who will want to eat any minute now. I know you just want to see pictures anyway....not read witty banter from me. Here's the breakdown: Harrison got a new hat and learned to take pictures of himself, we played in the rain, my mom came to visit (that's her shoved in between two carseats...we need a bigger car!!!), thanks for the socks alissa, we painted with pudding, and here's the recipe (TRY it):


Jen Perkins said...

You know I love pictures. Carter is so cute and Harrison is getting so big!

ajehz and m said...

she is so tiny still! i know she's supposed to grow and all that, but tell her to do after i get to squish her sweet cheeks in two weeks. kinda excited about the trip. just kinda. ;) you are an amazing, mom. i love watching you take this on. my love and hugs to all four of you. happy thanksgiving