16 November 2011

taking advantage of paternity leave

We really enjoyed the 2 weeks cory was home with us for paternity leave. We tried to take advantage and go lots of fun places....my mom also came to visit last weekend which was awesome and Harrison LOVES his grandma. Now we're on day 5 of "by myself with 2 kids" and today was the first time I ventured beyond the playground or just dropping harrison off at preschool. Laurissa, our nanny, was going to come over and take Harrison to story time this morning but had to cancel at the last minute so I decided just to take him myself. We also went to Chick fil a afterwards (we passed it on the way there...I'm surprised we made it to story time first :)). I survived. Never thought I'd be able to nurse in a crowded restaurant with a toddler and no husband but we did it---Harrison is incredibly well behaved when he has to be and baby carter is learning to put up with a lot. Such is life with two kids I suppose. Enjoy the pictures!
First official family outing-Red Robin!!
I have a picture of Harrison making that same face...
At the Air and Space Museum in NoVa
Carter's 'angry old man face'

I insisted on making carmel apples...it's harder than it looks--Harrison lost interest quickly and went outside to "work" in the yard with daddy. Oh well.
I love her girly hands and fingernails :)

cute kiddos in their jammies
Yes-we'd take a toddler and baby into downtown DC on a weekday :)
beautiful fall leaves at the zoo


ajehz and m said...

chick-fil-a is the best! we often get side-tracked en route....it's too delicious and the playground...so great. so great. proud of you doing the solo momma thingy. you're a natural. see you in three weeks!!!!!!!!!

Sheila said...

LOVING all the pictures and updates! Amber, you are a pro, shoot, it still takes me forever to get out of the house and do stuff with a newborn! You are amazing!