26 November 2011

Carter Pants- One month old today!

Wow--that month went by a little too quickly. Carter is doing well. She's decided that perfection wasn't really worth it and has been giving us some trouble at night. As soon as it's time for mommy and daddy to go to sleep she decides she's super gassy and uncomfortable. Last night she finally fell asleep at 2:15 only to wake up to be fed at 2:45 and then again at 6..sheesh...really not awful for this age but frustrating after we had a few really good, easy weeks in the beginning. Trying to figure that one out...any advice? I've tried gas drops and gripe water but haven't really noticed much difference. I've been supplementing formula because she was wanting to nurse constantly and was still not satisfied so that could be causing problems.... Tonight we will start her in her crib so hopefully she will respond well to a more regular night-time routine. During the day she is really good. She can entertain herself for awhile which is totally foreign to me :) She also doesn't really love taking a binky like Harrison, also weird, but probably a good thing in the long run (you know given that harrison is almost three and loves his binky more than he loves us---he will take naps just to have it).... She spits up but not nearly as much as he did..... (at least the beautiful burp cloths from Jen and Kari are getting lots of use-THANK YOU!)

Sometimes having two is almost easier than one since they both can amuse themselves at times....sometimes though it is NOT but I know things will get easier :) We love this sweet baby and are so happy to have her. It's surreal to be a family of four and I am so grateful to have two healthy beautiful kids (and for all of the family and friends who take care of us and have taken time out to visit, help, bring food, and come amuse my first born :))

tired and a little cranky, but just hanging out--awhile after this she needed her swing..she LOVES that thing (almost carted it upstairs last night in a moment of desperation)
mommy-please take this silly bow off my head
at the mall so harrison could ride the train and daddy could visit the apple store
daddy's girl. Cory is much better at picking her up and holding her and she LOVES it.
trying out some settings on my camera

big socks--little feet
tell tale spit up on the sleeve
why oh why are you trying to prop me up like this mommy?

Because you can never have too many pictures, my friend Elysa is a budding newborn photographer and came over last week to take pictures of carter while harrison and her son jonah run rampant all over the house and took advantage of the lack of supervision. The pictures turned out great! And the dining room floor has almost recovered!


Jen Perkins said...

It's been a whole month already?! I hope she starts sleeping again for you soon! Wish I had some advice for you but Owen was never real gassy. So all I can suggest is make sure she burps, but I'm sure you're doing that. Glad the cloths have come in handy. :)She's so, so cute!

ajehz and m said...

what kind of formula? you know all our issues with dairy...they have the sensitive tummies kinds at costco now, i would stay away from soy though (scary reports re sexual maturity too soon for girls and stunted for boys--wish i'd know that with e) and you could check out goats milk (fresh or dried) with your pediatrician. it's the closest milk to human milk (so much good fat). h has maintained her 0-3 percentile status on that stuff. too bad i cannot bring some over. move closer. k? ;) you could always have her sleep in the car seat so she's propped up. some peeps have had good success with that. okay, totally different note, h learned how to say "gas" this week. hilarious. "mommy. me gas. me gas." giggle giggle. makes me so happy...is that weird?

Heidi Miller said...

She is so so pretty. I love the newborn pictures.

Sheila said...

Wowie, one month!! My kids are always really gassy, all of them. so I take their legs holding under their knees, legs bent, and do like a bicycle motion pushing their legs up into their abdomen area. They usually let out some toots and it's really helps my kids. Also I will bend their legs into their belly and push up towards their heads and then come down to let out more gas. I massage their belly too a little. Jeff would say not to have her sleep in her car seat because it causes torticallis in infants (misshapen heads and neck issues, results in development delays)...but that's just him ;0) ANywyas, good luck, you're a great mom!!! XOXOXO

Unknown said...

haha sheila---Harrison slept in his carseat for at least two months and his head and neck was fine...of course...we didn't know any better. Second time around I feel like we really knew nothing with the first one :) Carter's been sleeping about half the night in her swing and it helps a TON---I've also been doing some bicycling with her legs and will keep that up. Alissa-we've been using regular formula but I will probably buy the sensitive stuff when it runs out just to see if it helps. Hopefully we'll be able to transition her to her crib soon. She really is a pretty good baby so I'll take a few gas issues in exchange for the constant crying spitting up seven times a feeding :)