04 November 2013

Happy birthday carter !!!

Yes, it's November 4th. Carter turned 2 on October. 26th, 2 days into our cross country jaunt. Now that things have settled a bit (and since we won't have the majority of our stuff until tomorrow), today we celebrated ms. Carter by picking out a present and cake, getting a haircut, playing with friends, eating fries at in n out burger (did I mention there is that and a five guys within 5 minutes of our house ?) and blowing out candles! Yay for carter ! We love how you repeat all you hear, love your brother, sing the Abcs and say 5-4-3-2-1 blast off, and we think you shouting 'mick-don-aw lds ' every time we pass one with so much sheer enthusiasm and delight is just wonderful (especially when all you really know is that they have chocolate milk)-- like Harrison said today. 'I like carter ' yes, we really do. You're sassy and want your way always but we'll keep you. Happy birthday sweetie pie. 
Cute hair 

Awaiting the chocolate cars cake she picked out. The cashier thought it was for Harrison. Nope, girls like mater too!

Can I eat the grass??? Today- yes!!!

Cute hair from the back!

No pictures please. Harrison. Out. 


Jen Perkins said...

Happy birthday, sweet girl!!! Love her new haircut.

Melinda said...

Yeah for Carter! Love that little girl. Miss you guys.