05 July 2008

Life can be exceedingly trying at times and the axiom "It never rains but it pours" seems to vindicate itself a lot. We would like to share everything with all of you, but since much of it involves others who we don't have permission from to share, we can't. I can say however that the passing of Amber's dad in the beginning of April was a sudden and heart-wrenching event and may be seen as the catalyst for much of what has happened.

It is not either of our natures to dwell on hardship and certainly not to seek for sympathy. We do however enjoy to hear from everyone and so we are asking for you opinions. Sometime at the end of July or the beginning of August, we have decided to go on a little vacation. We would love to have your input as to where we should go and what we should do.

Here are our criteria:

  1. Our budget is rather small, less than $1200 in total cost is what we are looking for.

  2. It would be best if it were a long weekend kind of thing. So no more than 5 days but more like 3-4.

  3. It should be relaxing. Amber especially is in need of some escape given the pressures of school compounded on everything else (again, more to come on these things as they are permitted to enter the public knowledge, many of you know some them). Nothing that would require very strenuous activity like camping for a week in the jungles of Belize.

  4. It must be memorable and enlightening. This is my personal requirement. I want to be able to learn something. Whether historical, cultural or introspective, it doesn't really matter. As long as we are edified.
That's it. Leave us some comments on what you think would be a good idea. Keep in mind we live in Arizona so "Go to Duck Beach" is not as simple as it may be for you east coasters.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Sedona? Drea and Jason just went there last weekend to a nice bed and breakfast that served you... well... your breakfast out on your little patio, and they said it was so relaxing and cooler than here. I'm not sure about being enlightened by anything there, but I'm sure you could find something.

Or just come to Vegas! =)