26 June 2009

Fun pictures!!

Heidi and I got the chance to go to the Phoenix Children's Museum yesterday (THANK YOU Heidi for letting me use your guest pass!!) and had a great time--I can't wait til Harrison is older so I can take him and he can enjoy all the cool stuff. Harrison and Rebekah had some fun while Alex was playing in the noodle forest and I got some cute pics.

Just chillin. Harrison is not nearly as good a sitter as Rebekah but he's getting there :)
Harrison LOVES Rebekah-he's kissing her feet already (don't you just love how great a mother I am that I took this picture rather than picking him up?)

Rebekah DEFINITELY wears the pants in this relationship....she'll break his heart someday...I can already tell :)

right now though he's just happy with her nearby :) what a romantic!
Heidi and her kiddos are so cute. I hope that someday (in a LONG time..) when I have two kids I'm as cute as her..not likely :)

1 comment:

Kari said...

Too cute! This makes me soo excited to see you guys! I'm jealous that you and Heidi get to hang out so much! Less than 2 weeks!!